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90 in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+21Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine. adj. being ten more than eighty. 
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91. By a combination of diet and exercise he's trimmed down from 90 kilos to 70.
92. Customer satisfaction with their mobile service runs at more than 90 per cent.
93. Regulations require that students attend at least 90% of the lectures.
94. The balance of $500 must be paid within 90 days.
95. An estimated number of 90 to 100 million women around the world living today have been circumcised.
96. The company announced that 90% of the recent rights issue had been taken up by shareholders.
97. The river is navigable by vessels of up to 90 tons.
98. Apart from the 10 officers,( a crew of 90 looks after the 300 passengers.
99. Ballpark estimates indicate a price tag of $90 million a month.
100. Place the shelf at a 90 degree angle to the wall.
101. Before you knew it, the single was at Number 90 in the US singles charts.
102. A charge of 1.90 will be rounded up to 2, and one of 3.10 rounded down to 3.
103. The bright and telegenic Miss Foster is being paid around £90,000 a year for her exclusive deal.
104. Wood accounts for 90% of energy production in some countries, with consequent environmental detriment.
105. We were overtaken by a crowd of bikers doing over 90 mph.
106. The company has 90 staff, almost all on short-term contracts.
107. Doctors work an average of 90 hours a week, while a few are on call for up to 120 hours.
108. Now that I'm 90, I find the exertions of travelling too great.
109. The typical lawn mower makes about 90 decibels of noise.
110. These tax changes will affect 90% of the working population.
111. Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer.
112. The exact measurement of this angle is 90 degrees 40 minutes, which can be written as 90° 40′.
113. He went belting up / down the motorway at 90 mph.
114. She got 90%, but Fred ran her close with 87%.
115. Under the new rules, some factories will cut emissions by as much as 90 percent.
116. The old man was 90 years old and lucky to come through his operation.
117. Mrs McIntyre must be getting on for 90 by now.
118. The company has now captured almost 90% of the market.
119. The airline has more than 90 scheduled departures from here every day.
120. True to form, she kept her guests waiting for more than 90 minutes.
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