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8th in a sentence

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Sentence count:75Posted:2018-08-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 18th28th38thMeaning: adj. coming next after the seventh and just before the ninth in position. 
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1. The election will be held on 8th of August.
2. I've booked it for Thurs. 8th Sept.
3. In June 1942, the British 8th Army was in full retreat.
4. The guerrillas began their assault on March 8th.
5. Just last month, Bing was still in 8th place.
6. Staff arrived on the morning of August 8th to find the shop window had been smashed with a rock and the books on display pelted with eggs.
7. Mr Amara pleaded guilty on October 8th, the fourth member of the group to do so in the past two months (a youth deemed to have had peripheral involvement was convicted in 2008).
8. The paper introduces the 8th international conference on Engineering Design Graphics and Descriptive Geometry hold on the summer in 1998 at the University of Texas, Austin , USA.
9. Starting on July 8th bond markets staged an unexpected buyers' strike, driving yields on Italian debt to their highest levels in a decade.
10. By the late 8th century BC, events included running, wrestling, boxing, pancratium (a mixture of boxing and wrestling), chariot racing, a footrace with heavy armor, and the pentathlon.
11. ON THE 8TH of September, there came into the prisoners' coach-house an officer of very great consequence, judging by the respectfulness with which he was addressed by the soldiers on guard.
12. Miss Brown and her friend, both from Stoke, were arrested on the 8th of June.
13. Mark Twain, one of our most famous writers, and Charlie Chaplin, the great movie comedian, dropped out of school before 8th grade.
14. A short, hooded cloak, originally of scarlet cloth, worn by women in the 8th century.
15. Elvis Aaron Presley was born in the southern town of Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8th, 1935.
16. The author, Silas P. Keeler of Waterbury, Connecticut, was a twenty-one-year-old sergeant in Company E, 8th Connecticut Infantry.
17. A district of western London, England, on the north bank of the Thames River, popular since the 8th century with writers and artists.
18. I'll hock all my family's disease, and my family won't pain. But maybe the 8th popshop won't receive these thing.
19. Objective To study whether mechanical noise acting on the sacculus could enhance the SNR of the 8th nerve's response.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Christmas Allegedly Christmas tree first appeared in ancient Rome in mid-December Saturnalia, the German missionary Nikos in the 8th century AD, dedicated to El Ni?o using P-trees.
21. Native American people formerly located on the lower Mississippi River near present-day Natchez. The Natchez ceased to exist as a people after war with the French in the early 8th century.
22. Later, some of their tribes migrated to the region that is currently southern Siberia and settled along the Yenisei River, where they lived from the 6th until the 8th centuries.
23. This year will be no different as porn starlets, professional woodsmen, and hairy-chested, gold chain-wearing porn directors convene in the city of sin for the 2011 AVN Awards Show on January 8th.
24. In Witness Whereof, I execute this certificate and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this 8th day of 12 2009.
25. Urine leakage due to a vesicovaginal fistula developed on postoperative 8th day.
26. FEW fireworks enlivened the televised debates between the three candidates in Indonesia’s presidential election on July 8th, conducted in a mood of deference and courtesy.
27. The Convent of St Gall, a perfect example of a great Carolingian monastery, was, from the 8th century to its secularization in 1805, one of the most important in Europe.
28. In Hell's Kitchen, stroll down Restaurant Row—46th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues—and you'll come across Barbetta, an Italian restaurant that's been around since 1906.
29. A proto-Slovak state known as the Nitrian Principality arose in the 8th century and became part of the core of Great Moravian Empire in 833.
30. Saturday: Water bearers elucidates and highlights the strongest signs of luck during the dates of 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd hours past sunrise.
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