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39 in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+3Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being nine more than thirty. 
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121. The final result was 442 votes and 39 states to Eisenhower, and 89 votes and nine states to Stevenson.
122. However, 39% felt tax planning was the most useful area of advice, and only 27% cited business strategy.
123. His brother, Omar, 39, died from gunshots to the head instantly after the two were attacked Monday.
124. The vote to kill the bills was 47 to 39, with one abstention.
125. In marked contrast to this fall amongst younger age groups, the number of retired people had increased by 39 percent.
126. Those with 1 to 3 years of experience earned between $ 26, 000 and $ 39, 000.
127. The changes which arise as a result of the new standard are described on page 39.
128. Grandson Richard, 39, was in a crush of people all heading the same way.
129. The Notting Hill star, 39,(sentencedict .com) was sporting his new spiky hairdo.
130. Radio Investments has taken its stake in Kent-based radio station Invicta Sound to 10.47 percent through the purchase of another 1.39 percent.
131. At Shell stations, regular unleaded is about $ 1. 43 up from $ 1. 39.
132. Vignola lowered her 1996 earnings estimates to $ 2. 35 from $ 2. 39.
133. Shuchuk took a beautiful set-up pass from Kevin Todd in front of the net and cashed in at 17: 39.
134. However, although 70 percent of women expressed a desire for such facilities only 39 percent of men responded positively.
135. Jeans reduced from £39.99 to £19.99, wool leggings reduced from £27.99 to £19.99, jackets from Pounds 119 to £59.99.
136. In 1996, the trade deficit hit $ 39. 5 billion.
137. We need recovery in my constituency, where unemployment has risen by 39 percent. in the past 12 months.
138. However, telephone calls relating to alcohol misuse decreased from 47 in 1997 to 39 in 1998.
139. Springs shares fell as much as 1 1 / 8 before rebounding to 39 5 / 8, up 1 / 8.
140. When these photo's were taken there were 39 lorries on site trying to tip!
141. The risk was calculated to be 1.53 for current smokers and 1.39 for ex-cigarette smokers.
142. These have a carcinogenic effect in 39 animal species, including primates.
143. A conceivable problem for the Solo is its price - £39,850 is a lot to pay for an unknown quantity.
144. Preferential racial quotas in education violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 39.
145. Rounding up from 0.3871, the more exact figure, to 0.39 gave Craig an unearned bonus of I 1.07 votes.
146. Out now, prices for the System 10000 go from £23,000 for 32 users to £39,000 for a 64 user configuration.
147. This represents an increase of £188.63 per month, 39 percent more than in May 1988.
148. However, 44% of you feel that these reports should leave the gory details out and 39% feel they encourage copycat crimes.
149. We've got enough to worry about as it is. 39.
150. The phenomenon can be demonstrated by using the apparatus shown in figure 6.39.
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