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39 in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+3Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being nine more than thirty. 
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91. Keith, 39, remains planted on the Oklahoma plains and continues to be viewed as somewhat of an outsider.
92. Nine-stone Deirdre, 39, halted the driverless car by pulling on the door handle.
93. The Nasdaq Composite Index advanced as much as 7. 28 then retreated to 1001. 39, ahead 3. 09.
94. All 39 hands perished in the worst shipping disaster in Teesside's history.
95. In its young life here, Survivors International has treated some 400 torture victims from 39 countries.
96. He died, unexpectedly, after a short illness aged only 39 whilst staying at the Phoenix Hotel in Taunton.
97. By the end of the tax year, National Savings had invested £39.7 billion-another record figure.
98. This gives a target water consumption for the five occupants of the house of nearly 39 I / head / day.
99. At 39, Brian Sabean is clearly the rising star in the organization.
99. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
100. Inside the truck Donald Fish, 39, of Bridgewater, unlocked the door and opened it.
101. The injury-prone versatile Northampton player lasted just 39 minutes before dislocating his shoulder and booking his place on the plane home.
102. Maybelline shares closed unchanged Wednesday at 39 1 / 2.
103. Virginia Tech shot 39 percent in the first half against us Saturday, then shot 69 percent in the second half.
104. There were also 38 reports of stolen cars, 39 reported burglaries and nine reported robberies.
105. Revenue from swaps and other interest-rate and commodity derivatives rose to $ 39 million from $ 1 million.
106. The implementation of section 39 is an operational matter for the chief constable.
107. By 56 percent to 39 percent[], respondents said they were confident the Florida votes have been counted accurately.
108. Other workers have found ras gene mutations in between 39% and 47% of colorectal cancers.
109. Voters supported proposition 22 by 61 % to 39 %, bestowing official recognition only on marriages between men and women.
110. New Hampshire drivers got only 39 of those speeding tickets.
111. The case was adjourned until June 22 for committal proceedings and Port, 39, was granted unconditional bail.
112. As you type, word wrap will take effect at character position 39, the right margin of the first column.
113. Bielecki, 39, was reportedly a reluctant nominee for the premiership.
114. Within the All-Share companies are allocated to 39 industrial sectors.
115. Pepper spray has been linked to the deaths of 39 people in California and 80 people across the country.
116. This will provide capacity for the half-hourly airport service, which will offer a 39 min journey to the city centre.
117. I performed 39 procedures without diathermy, and contamination occurred in four.
118. She had lost only 1 inch off her 39 inch bust.
119. Move the magnified area up by holding down the mouse button on the up arrow and stop at row 39.
120. Autopsies showed levels of digoxin ranging from 16 to 39 times those expected from the doses prescribed.
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