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39 in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+3Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being nine more than thirty. 
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151. There are, he quoted from official statistics, 39 people chasing every job.
152. Mr. Lloyd Section 39 is available for the police to use at their discretion.
153. I am looking for a size 39 woolen cardigan.
154. To vibrate three times as fast, or once in every third part of a second, the cord had to be only one-ninth of 39.1 inches in length.
155. The morbidity rate of hyperlipidemia among the age 30 to 39 years old flight personnel was the highest.
156. The latest CNN poll, 56% of Americans support the public body photo of Osama bin Laden, 39% were opposed.
157. His wife, Verity Beman, 39, said: "I think he's a hero: a hero in Bonds undies."
158. Even at the age of 39, with a mortgage, two sick kids and a leaking pipe in the laundry room, the clown in the movie Poltergeist still gives him the creeps.
159. Xinhua News: According to Congo (Kinshasa) 25, media reports, a ship the same day in the country, overturning Lake Kivu, killing 39 people.
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160. Objective To retrospectively review the experience of mitral valve replacement after mitral commissurotomy in 39 cases.
161. Method: 39 patients were treated with losartan and 35 were treated with captopril for 6 months.
162. Defence expenditures chew up 39 per cent of the budget.
163. The results indicated that loofa contained 39.7% of chitin in total fiber of the dried fruit with a yield of 70% from the vegetable sponge to membrane.
164. Results Among 545 cases, 174 cases were follicular cysts, 94 cases were luteal cysts, 58 cases were flavine cysts, 126 cases were chocolate cysts, 39 cases were PCOS.
165. A still-larger dam, the Grand Inga Dam, has been proposed for completion between 2020 and 2025 in the Democratic Republic of Congo on the Congo River: Its output could reach 39 gigawatts of power.
166. A total of 39 people received the biennial awards since 1996.
167. MethodsThe clinical data of 39 patients with paratyphoid fever A of our hospital from 1998 to 2004 were reviewed retrospectively.
168. MethodsThrough clinical observation of 39 cases with different kinds of oculomotor nerve injuries, recovery time and the factors affecting the prognosis were analyzed.
169. Article 39 The public property of a labor union shall not be subject to confiscation.
170. A volcanic peak, 4,39.4 m (4, '2 ft) high, of the Cascade Range in northern California. Discovered in 827, it has hot sulfurous springs near the summit.
171. Bromic series fire retardant occupies the 39 % of quantity of total demand about.
172. The relationship between the olecranon and the trochlear of humerus was displayed including 39 well, 5 good and 1 poor.
173. Concurrent procedures included 18 valve surgery, 5 repair of ventricular septal rupture, 39 resection of left ventricular aneurysm and 264 transmyocardial laser revascularization.
174. The dielectric permittivity and pyroelectric coefficient of Tb - modif ied Sr 0.61 Ba 0.39 Nb 2 O 6 crystals were measured.
175. Methods 39 cases(39 eyes) of uncontrolled glaucoma received middle layer sclerectomy combined trabeculectomy and anterior angle dissection.
176. Interpol, the international organization of police, knows of at least 39 works Rembrandt stolen since 1981.
177. Objective: To summarize the cerebral angiograms of 39 cases with anterior communicating artery aneurysm treated with microneurosurgical method.
178. Thomas Wolfe, the American novelist, had his first novel Look Homeward, Angel rejected 39 times before it was finally published and launched his career and created his fame.
179. CER of 20~29,30~39 and 40~49 age groups with high risk were under GDP.
180. Of the 39 patients, 14 were diagnosed as having renal cell carcinoma preoperatively, 1 as having perinephric liposarcoma, and the remaining 24 as having an angiomyolipoma.
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