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39 in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+3Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being nine more than thirty. 
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61. Van sales rose by 39 per cent year on year to 14,952 vehicles.
62. The nationality of the owner was the criterion applied by all the member states of the Community. 39.
63. I am 39, and like so many of the baby boomers, I have invested in mutual funds.
64. The semi-occlusion of categories between £2 and £39 sharply divided society into two classes.
65. Gang leader Calton, 39, of no fixed address, was jailed for 25 years.
66. The turnout in the four referendums was between 39 and 40 percent.
67. Klein reports that the total sums spent began a slow rise from the 1970s, reaching £39 million by 1983.
68. Also try their tuna and sweetcorn quiche made with shortcrust pastry at £1.39.
69. Denver 105,( ) Bulls 99: Bulls made 39. 8 percent of their shots.
70. Carlos Falchi red patent signature logo tote bag, $ 39. 99.
71. In 1994, the Amex listed 39 new companies, with a mean market value of $ 90. 8 million.
72. The comparable figure for white households was 45 percent, and for non-immigrant black households, 39 percent.
73. The family took out a 39 percent loan after Mr Harris was made bankrupt.
74. March 26, authorities discovered 39 bodies in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.
75. Rush hour crowding was a serious hazard, and the station was 39 percent understaffed.
76. But over the 2, 360-foot vertical, they add up to 39 miles of skiing, or 480 acres.
77. The poll also gave a popular approval rating of 39 percent for the President, the lowest ever recorded by Bush.
78. Its stock price eroded from a 52-week high of about 39 in October to a low of nearly 15 Tuesday.
79. Nearly 39 percent of the incidents were classified as intimidation, while about 5 percent were robberies.
80. Littlewoods, the pools promoter, calculates each punter has a 1:39 chance of a win.
81. The group cut its workforce by 39,800 to 170,700 during the year.
82. Peverel lost their last six wickets for 26 and finished 39 short.
83. Another method is to use Boots Sterotabs, £1.39 for 48 tablets.
84. Of the 39 students involved in the 1981 cohort the corresponding figure was 17.
85. It will cost a flat rate of £39.99 per month, which includes line rental and installation.
86. The measure passed 61 percent to 39 percent, according to unofficial tallies.
87. She served with him as co-president of the Dension University student government; they have been married for 39 years.
88. Constellation Real Estate received conditional sketch phase approval to build 44 town houses on 12.39 acres.
89. Its widely held Class B shares fell 1 1 / 4 to 39, their 52-week low.
90. Bucharest, the capital and the most populous constituency, was assigned 39 Assembly seats and 14 Senate seats.
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