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Yielding in a sentence

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Sentence count:162+3Posted:2017-05-30Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: unyieldingSimilar words: unyieldingshieldingyieldtheoretical yieldholdingscoldingunfoldingbuildingMeaning: [jɪːldɪŋ]  n. 1. a verbal act of admitting defeat 2. the act of conceding or yielding. adj. 1. inclined to yield to argument or influence or control 2. lacking stiffness and giving way to pressure 3. tending to give in or surrender or agree. 
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(91) That's a huge spread to the one-year Treasury bill, which is currently yielding less than one-third of a percentage point.
(92) Experiments show that our genetic algorithm can solve the partitioning problem with thousands of nodes, yielding solutions close to optimal.
(93) Silicalite of the Upper Permian Dalong Formation in Pingtang, south Guizhou has a stable horizon with a thickness of tens meters, yielding abundant ammonites and Brachiopoda.
(94) Blame was attached upon Prime Minister Laughton's Cabinet for yielding to the Russians.
(95) She was no longer plastic clay, yielding imprint to each new experience.
(96) A soluble , gummy polysaccharide found in plant cell walls and yielding xylose upon hydrolysis.
(97) East Indian tree yielding a resin or extract often used medicinally and in e . g . tanning.
(98) A "cushion basket" is how Le Corbusier Group described this yielding cube of leather.
(99) But a woman could yield to a man without yielding her inner, free self.
(100) Yielding to my usual Luddite instincts, I suggested that such means might conflict with the desired end.
(101) This result indicates that the self-rooting juvenile-type clone of Hevea brasiliensis is a fast growing and high yielding planting material.
(102) They slide on a more yielding layer at the base of lithosphere.
(103) In doing so they transform inactive money capital into active, that is[], into capital yielding a profit.
(104) Mongolian parents tend to frown upon the practice of dating, although they are slowly yielding to their offspring's demands to be allowed to do so.
(105) IRRI has subsequently transformed several high yielding indica varieties with genes that enable biosynthesis of beta-carotene.
(106) Brazilian palm yielding fibers used in making ropes, mats, and brushes.
(107) It is made of a yielding rubber or similar springing material.
(108) South American evergreen tree yielding winter's bark and a light soft wood similar to basswood.
(109) This paper presents a method calculating the earthquake resistant reliability of deformation capacity for multistorey yielding frames based on the bar-storey model.
(109) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(110) The objective is to identify and link these key functions and data elements, yielding a logical system design.
(111) Overseas research progress of new process for synthesis glycerol from formaldehyde is introduced. Close relationship of the technology yielding with formose technique is reviewed.
(112) I went to work, started paying off those loans, and bought a municipal bond yielding 11 %.
(113) In 1948-49, Rs 300 crore was more than the size of government's budget - expenditure of Rs 257.37 crore against receipts of Rs 256.28 crore yielding a deficit of Rs 1.09 crore.
(114) But it is yielding tangible results every day, and every day, as projects are completed, the lives of individual Iraqis are slowly improving," McCoy said.
(115) We have greater cooperation and understanding, and that is yielding tangible results on the ground," Clinton said.
(116) East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok.
(117) The index the yielding contents of baicalein and berberine in extract which were determined by HPLC.
(118) Benzoyl chloride and ethyl acetoacetate react and hydrolyze in the presence of a catalyst to synthesize ethyl benzoylacltete, yielding 60%, with a purity of more than 98%.
(119) Using yielding line theory, we educed ultimate capacity of slab-column connection which was bend destroy under vertical load, vertical load and unbalanced bend in the text.
(120) So, upgrading the innovational ability is the only way of enterprises yielding and developing.
More similar words: unyieldingshieldingyieldtheoretical yieldholdingscoldingunfoldingbuildingscaldingholding outbeholdingscaffoldingshareholdingrebuildingbuilding materialswieldfieldshieldafieldinfieldunwieldyfield dayfield tripforce fieldwindshieldbattle fieldmagnetic fieldfield of visionelectric fieldhold in
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