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Yielding in a sentence

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Sentence count:162+3Posted:2017-05-30Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: unyieldingSimilar words: unyieldingshieldingyieldtheoretical yieldholdingscoldingunfoldingbuildingMeaning: [jɪːldɪŋ]  n. 1. a verbal act of admitting defeat 2. the act of conceding or yielding. adj. 1. inclined to yield to argument or influence or control 2. lacking stiffness and giving way to pressure 3. tending to give in or surrender or agree. 
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(121) Nutritional characters of high yielding and low yielding trees of Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima BL. Cv.
(122) South American palm yielding a wax similar to carnauba wax.
(123) There were the crowds, hurrying with the same buzz and energy - yielding enthusiasm.
(124) A tropical South American tree (Hevea brasiliensis) widely cultivated throughout the Tropics and yielding a milky juice that is a major source of commercial rubber.
(125) China is showing no signs of yielding to increasing international pressure to revalue its currency.
(126) Chemical milling can also remove cracks or microfissures, yielding more contiguous cutting edges that better resist cracking or breakage.
(127) This year the greenback has weakened again as risk - seeking US investors have bought higher - yielding foreign assets.
(128) Reports of great white shark encounters with humans have been abundant this summer, with a few harrowing incidents of sharks circling tourist and fishing boats yielding dramatic images.
(129) The Swiss franc, like the yen a source of low - yielding funds for foreign - exchange punters, is 53 % overvalued.
(130) Most modern non-64-bit systems have the ability to create an address space of 36 bits, yielding 64 GB of addressable memory.
(131) Chinese ephedra yielding ephedrine.
(132) West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony.
(133) Cellulase An enzyme that hydrolyzes 1, 4 - glycosidic linkages in cellulose, yielding cellobiose ( a disaccharide ) and glucose.
(134) The state governments, for their part, had contributed to banks' vulnerability by yielding to small institutions' demands for "unit-banking" laws prohibiting branch banking.
(135) The unpopular president, who came to power in a 1999 military coup, appeared in civilian clothing after yielding to pressure last November to give up the powerful post as Army chief.
(136) Far and wide lay a ruined coutry, yielding nothing but desolation.
(137) The test results showed that the elastic modulus and yielding strength of porose material decreased with increase of its porosity, and the changing trend became slow gradually.
(138) This approach first performs two-color-truncation in block classes, yielding a bit-plane, a const index table and residue.
(139) Far and wide lay a ruined country, yielding nothing but
(140) Runner bean is one of the key export crops in China, while its yielding and commercial quality decline constantly owning to genetic depression.
(141) Then a model is created, that can later be applied to records for which the target value is not yet known, yielding a prediction and a confidence value for this prediction.
(142) With the "Repeatable Read" data region fetch requests issued multiple times within the same transaction will always produce the same result yielding better application throughput.
(143) The abundant crevasse prove that fracture is the chief form of yielding.
(144) Some contemporary western artists also assimilated Chinese calligraphy into abstract art, yielding many excellent works.
(145) Before yielding to despair over the intractability of political reform in India, it is worth considering the outcomes of recent elections.
(146) Hollow plastic tubes are hand woven and screwed to a moulded metal frame so that your derriere is cradled by a yielding web.
(147) High - yielding varieties , along with subsidized fertilizer and irrigation, have helped India stave off famine for decades.
(148) The silver-rich lead came from the continuous crystallizer is then subjected to vacuum distillation, yielding silver bullion of over 80% Ag.
(149) The results of the tests show that the bending and shearing is the major failure form of the stud connectors, the connectors have good ductility and have no evident yielding before failure.
(150) From the results of femoral locking screws, the screws with larger inner diameter and root radius have higher yielding load and fatigue life.
More similar words: unyieldingshieldingyieldtheoretical yieldholdingscoldingunfoldingbuildingscaldingholding outbeholdingscaffoldingshareholdingrebuildingbuilding materialswieldfieldshieldafieldinfieldunwieldyfield dayfield tripforce fieldwindshieldbattle fieldmagnetic fieldfield of visionelectric fieldhold in
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