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Yi in a sentence

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Sentence count:196Posted:2018-09-30Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a Loloish language. 
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31 BeiJing ChangHong Tie Yi is a professional enterprise in vendition 、 design 、 installation.
32 Section II put the Nets starting lineup, Yi Jianlian re - appearance.
33 Fang Yi gripped Trinket's hand tightly. The Little Countess nudged him in the small of the back with her elbow. They were both silently chuckling to themselves.
34 One such returnee is Rao Yi, who taught at Northwestern University in Chicago before becoming dean of the College of Life Sciences at Peking University just as Stearns began teaching there.
35 Net Yi Cici related Internet congress's plan, the biggest luminescent spot has manifested the Internet characteristic.
36 And a Ru Yi is a symbol of power, authority and success.
37 The solar equation table of the Dayan Calendar is a mathematical table of equally quartic difference, and it reflects Yi Xing's profound understanding about the solar motion.
38 Turned over body, the left Yi is lain prone bed up, see that hug oneself back and is den to sit down to start reading of man, there is the felling that a silk amazes in the heart, too.
39 But a side kiss Yi for morning, but the vision fall on the man still sitting on the seat of host an on every cause and walked quondam.
40 Fang Yuan Tie Yi is a professional enterprise in foundry 、 vendition 、 design 、 installation.
41 RobertH : Would the Rockets consider trading up to grab Yi Jianlian?
42 In 1973, virologist Zeng Yi revealed a link between NPC and Epstein-Barr virus infection.
43 With a case from Xueshan and Longjie in Weining County, Guizhou province, this paper tries to apply the approach of anthropology to analyze the occupational group endogam in traditional Yi society.
44 It can be asserted that the thought of Qin - Han Period is Yi - ology's intensification and extension.
45 Xue E Feeding A Myna" is an outstanding epic in Yi language."
46 Does the action kimono that Yi Meng stops use time?
47 Li Yi knew that there was no proof that a high saccharin level directly harmed users of loperamide .
48 Block what Er · Yi pits to appear as investor, microsoft bought Yahoo case to be immersed in " cut ceaseless, manage is random still " all directions ankyloses situation.
49 Furthermore,( the influence of Qin - Han Period thought for later times manifests the thought of Yi - ology.
50 In 2006, we helped the Yi women build up their own cooperative association. The project increases their income by helping to sell their embroidered products.
51 Objective : To investigate anti - aging effect and mechanism of Jian - nao - yi - shou capsule on aged mice induced by D - galactose.
52 Yi nationality's lacquerware is the traditional crafts with unique nationality features.
53 Lisu have their own language, Lisu and Tibetan language is a Tibeto - Burman language Yi language support.
54 Valentine's Bay, you can often catch the fish: grouper, Tsing Yi, sea carp, river vein, eel, red snapper, parrot fish.
55 Chinese is a nation rich in the spirit of innovation, which is correlated to the Yi - ology.
56 However, for M. sativa ofthe second growth year, rate of dry:fresh increased. rate of dry leaf:dry stem decreased. The yi...
57 Director: ok, ler's examination , Dr Yi , please do the abdominal palpation.
58 Generally, indoor radon is the main source of construction materials, such as granite, tile and plaster, particularly the stones containing radioelement Yi release radon.
59 After two people arrive at Macao, Tan Yi along, but.
60 Epitaph and the closure of calligraphy, Chinese belong to the Weibei re - dignified, Italy's state - Yi Qi category.
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