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Ventricular in a sentence

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Sentence count:281Posted:2017-11-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: intraventricularauricularmatriculatelenticularmatriculationextracurricularventriclefunicularMeaning: [ven'trɪkjələ(r) /-kjʊl-]  adj. of or relating to a ventricle (of the heart or brain). 
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241. Conclusion: Long time taking Enalapril is effective in reversing left ventricular hypertrophy.
242. To investigate the effects of inhibition of central sympathetic activity by clonidine on single ventricular myocyte contractile amplitude, heart function and survival rate of myocytes in aged rats.
243. It was suggested that DCG was superior to ECG in detecting myocardiac ischemia and active myocardiac ischemia was the key to induce the complex ventricular heart pre-beat.
244. BACKGROUND: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is an autosomal dominant disease of myocardium characterized by ventricular hypertrophy and myofibrillar disarrays .
245. Doppler echocardiogaphyhas emerged as the principal clinical tool for the assessment of left ventricular diastolic function.
246. Conclusion: Rhodiola has favorable anti - ventricular arrhythmia effects on arrhythmic animal models.
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247. Meantime, there was significant difference between two groups for regional ventricular wall motion abnormal (VMA).
248. AMA is associated with the left ventricular dysfuntion and the worse prognosis of AMI.
249. He had been diagnosed with von Recklinghausen's disease in early childhood and had undergone surgery for a ventricular septal defect with massive blood transfusion at the age of 4 years.
250. As an important electrophysiological parameter that reflects cardiac depolarization and repolarization process, ventricular repolarization duration has been drawing growing attention.
251. Methods Mitral regurgitation during systole were analysed retrospectively in patients with left ventricular dysfunction.
252. AIM:To observe the effect of low dose pirenzepine (PZP) on the ventricular fibrillation threshold(VFT) in myocardial ischemia model of rabbits and its mechanism.
253. Chronic systolic heart failure is the result of ventricular remodeling.
254. Serious cardiac muscle is short of blood, cause ventricle to attack move and ventricular and vibratile, intercurrent coronary heart disease and heart disease of lobar source sex cause sudden death.
255. Objective To study the therapeutic effects of Enalapril on hemodynamic indexes in cardiac shock dogs induced by acute right ventricular myocardial infarction(RVMI).
256. Also, some models were made, including left ventricular aneurysm model after acute myocardium infarction, artery atheromatous plaque model, and porcine heart in vitro, and imaged by RT-3DE.
257. We have validated this technique and shown that it can reproducibly predict the response to CRT in patients with heart failure induced conduction disturbances and ventricular dyssynchrony.
258. Objective: To investigate whether the tissues of the left ventricular outflow tract in rats had spontaneous rhythmicity or not.
259. To evaluate propafenone in the treatment of ventricular ectopic beats, we treated 39 cases of ventricular ectopic beats with propafenone or mexiletine randomly.
260. Results Early death in 3 cases (4.76%) postoperatively, 7 were complicated with pulmonary failure, 1 with renal failure, and 1 with contractable ventricular arrhythmias.
261. Resection of ventricular aneurysm (VA) and repair of ventricular septal defect were performed in 1 patient with left VA and perforation of ventricular septum.
262. Conclusions The therapy method of lateral ventricular meningioma exairesis of microsurgery is safe and effective.
263. Isolated cases of acute myocardial infarction, and its complications, such as cerebral embolization, ventricular aneurysm, and ventricular septal rupture, have been reported.
264. Results: The left and right ventricular pressure curves of each cardiac cycle from the analogue experiment are much close to the pressure curve in human physiological system.
265. The echocardiography in 13 cases all showed left ventricular enlargement.
266. To investigate the effect of lactate solution of different concentration on action potential of ventricular papillary muscle cell and contractile force.
267. Conclusions: Compared with normal children, left ventricular function is impaired in patients with ALCAPA, coronary reimplantation should be performed early to improve ventricular function.
268. OBJECTIVE To explore the electrophysiological effects of cyclovirobuxine D (CVB-D) on the isolated right ventricular papillary muscle of rats.
269. The system could be used to detect the activation path of atrial fibrillation and ventricular fibrillation.
270. Objective: To study the current change of right ventricular myocyte ion channel after myocardial infarction.
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