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Tomograph in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-12-03Updated:2024-12-03
Similar words: tomographycomputed tomographycomputer tomographycomputerized tomographynomographhomographpositron emission tomographytomogramMeaning: [tə'mɑgɑːf /-'mɒgræf]  n. X-ray machine in which a computer builds a detailed image of a particular plane through an object from multiple X-ray measurements. 
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1. Objective To study the value of computed tomograph(CT)score in preoperative assessment of resectability and difficulty of pancreatic cancer.
2. The technologies of radionuclide section imaging tomograph included single photon emission computed of tomograph (SPECT) and positron emission computed tomograph (PET).
3. To obtain the tomograph of body tissues by ultrasonic echoes and then to improve the quality of images by digital processing method is one of the important techniques of medical diagnosis.
4. The invention relates to a computer tomograph, in which data from a rotor, which during operation of the computer tomograph rotates about an axis of rotation, is transferred optoelectronically.
5. Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation by three-dimensional reconstruction of spiral computed tomograph (CT).
6. The noises, which come from the 3D Point Cloud data obtained by the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT),(sentence dictionary) can be smoothed effectively by a bilateral filtering algorithm.
7. Objective:To study application of threedimensional reconstruction and visual simulation surgery on pancreas based on the data of 64-row helical computed tomograph (CT) scanning.
8. To discuss the manifestation and classification of the chronic gonarthromeningitis in Computer Tomograph(CT).
9. Conclusion: GPS can reflect the glaucomatous visual field loss. Heidelberg retina tomograph glaucoma probability score can be used for diagnosis and observation of CACG.
10. According to the invention, at least one scanning device (32) designed as an optical coherence tomograph and provided for surface scanning is associated with the machining head (16).
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