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The cost of living in a sentence

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Sentence count:55+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: at the cost ofThanksgivingcostdivinecostlycostumeat any costoblivious
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(1) This forced the cost of living up considerably.
(2) The cost of living is soaring.
(3) You can't get away from the fact that the cost of living is always rising.
(4) The cost of living has risen sharply.
(5) The cost of living is going up.
(6) The cost of living is escalating in the country.
(7) The cost of living has hiked up again.
(8) The cost of living is escalating.
(9) The cost of living continues to rise.
(10) The cost of living in the city is more expensive[], but salaries are supposed to be correspondingly higher.
(11) The cost of living is becoming unbearable for retired people in our part of the world .
(12) After going up for six months, the cost of living leveled off in September.
(13) The government has released new statistics on the cost of living.
(14) The cost of living seems set to drop for the third month in succession.
(15) The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.
(16) The cost of living has risen sharply in the last year.
(17) The increase in interest rates will raise the cost of living.
(18) The cost of living had been racing up in the past year.
(19) The rise in taxation will put pounds on the cost of living.
(20) Average wages have increased in line with the cost of living.
(21) Inflation is pushing up the cost of living beyond our reach.
(22) the cost of living.
(23) The cost of living continued to rise in wartime.
(24) It had to[ cost of living.html], for the cost of living soared.
(25) Husbands can easily get out of touch with the cost of living unless they do the shopping regularly and see the bills.
(26) In absolute terms, wages have risen, but not in comparison with the cost of living.
(27) Wage increases were eaten up by the rise in the cost of living.
(28) Pensions are linked to inflation, whereas they should be linked to the cost of living.
(29) They are suddenly faced with finding a place to rent and budgeting the cost of living.
(30) In Britain, for example, there is no excuse for not knowing recent trends in the cost of living.
More similar words: at the cost ofThanksgivingcostdivinecostlycostumeat any costobliviousat all costsecosystemin the course ofto the contraryaround the cornersavingbest of allservingconsist offirst of allrevolvingon the contraryrecordingburst out laughingeconomic recoveryflipflightconflictliveliverlive onlive out
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