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Technicolor in a sentence

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Sentence count:29Posted:2017-12-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: technictechnicaltechnicallytechnicianpolytechnicpyrotechnictechnicalitypyrotechnicsMeaning: n. a trademarked method of making color motion pictures. 
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1. A tureen of Technicolor sprouts looked at her smugly.
2. I could picture that: a Technicolor sunrise, and three singing sailors swarming through the docks.
3. Technicolor, simple design, relaxed and enjoyable.
4. He writes in glorious technicolor to give you the full effect.
5. He received top billing in 1951 in the Technicolor Arabian Nights adventure "The Prince Who Was a Thief.
6. Nevertheless, it was the first to both use Technicolor and become successful within the English - speaking world.
7. The early Technicolor process required a huge amount of lighting, which would often heat the set to over 100 degrees.
8. Exaggerated modelling, Technicolor makes the new style that children furniture design and room decorate.
9. Technicolor Cheek was based on UF Grant's trick Cheek to Cheek.
10. PLUS - Twist Again, Royally Twisted, Technicolor Dream-Twist and Additional Twist.
11. He may additionally, by dream mechanisms and current computation, try to fashion in a whole technicolor picture of the scenery.
11. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
12. Now it was laid out before them in the great Technicolor blobs of the tomographic maps.
13. But the other was swollen and half closed, with a Technicolor bruise below it right down to her razor-sharp cheekbone.
14. Here some of the assembled company sat watching the sun set in rosy Technicolor behind a jagged peak.
15. What happens in a Great Group is always in Technicolor.
16. Gately also had released several solo singles and appeared in stage musicals, including "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat."
17. Forget frantically calculating the relative benefits of bananas, tomatoes, spinach, and kale. Just think in technicolor.
18. Back at the motel, the "Star Trek" reruns looped endlessly on Channel 73 or 31 or some other prime number, the washed-out Technicolor planets more familiar to me than our own.
19. Judy Garland's white dress was actually pink as it was easier to shoot in Technicolor.
20. Lighting candles, playing music, brie and wine and grapes, reading tarot and finally fucking... for hours on end, the most intense beautiful technicolor sex.
21. Whether you choose earth tones for day or vivid Technicolor for night, don't be surprised if you mesmerize—or gain a biographer.
22. That's because when The Wizard of Oz premiered in 1939, Hollywood was still testing its newest toy, three-color Technicolor , and studios wanted to astonish audiences with supersaturated hues.
23. Eleven institutions and companies from across Europe are contributing to FascinatE, including the BBC, Technicolor, the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute and Salford University.
24. Collier's magazine published a series of illustrated articles from 1952 to 1954 which described our supposed space-traveling future in brilliant technicolor.
25. Generally, brilliant color is a must and often cross - sections are as unique as Technicolor snowflakes.
26. When Gretel finally pushes the witch into the burning furnace, the bulging walls of the candy house spurt Technicolor blood (fast-forward to the museum scene from Batman), and the siblings escape.
27. But it was also opening the door to cinema's future: from sepia to Technicolor.
28. Brain scans capture the viewer's reaction to these provocative images and represent it as glowing technicolor splotches of color that represent activation in drug-sensitized brain regions.
29. Comfortable also at only plant delight in, if be mixed with weeping willow, grow, when willow Xie Tulu, mutual reflect, provide a Technicolor more.
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