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Stations in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+15Posted:2017-07-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: statute of limitationsnation-statestationstationeryat stationgestationforestationgas stationMeaning: ['steɪʃn]  n. (Roman Catholic Church) a devotion consisting of fourteen prayers said before a series of fourteen pictures or carvings representing successive incidents during Jesus' passage from Pilate's house to his crucifixion at Calvary. 
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151. What are the names of the main power stations using coal?
152. Tests were converted Tests to measure bone density in astronauts living in space stations have been converted to test for osteoporosis.
153. Diller reportedly is trying to build a national network of television stations that would offer sports and entertainment programming.
154. He has spent his time tracing and cataloguing electrical cabling and other installations, including the University's nineteen sub- stations.
155. He was going to close down about half the stations, centralize operations, shatter the old ward boundaries of police districts.
156. Some other stations don't have such good security, you know, and their crime-fighting shows rack up pretty heavy casualties.
157. Transfer stations like the one the county owns in Carlsbad will be key to accomplishing that goal, they said.
158. The two stations, once joined under the Trident banner, were divorced from each other more than 10 years ago.
159. She said that the power-generating companies would have to be forced to reduce emissions from power stations.
160. Williams and his three brothers became professionals on local radio stations, singing barbershop harmonies.
161. Helped persuade the Government to spend £200m cleaning Britain's beaches and £600m cleaning aerial discharges from coal-fired power stations.
161. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
162. She aims to chart new cases of cancer in areas around nuclear power stations.
163. In her youth she was a devout Catholic, faithfully performing the Stations of the Cross.
164. TV stations broadcast an appeal from the teenager's desperate parents.
165. Faced with conflicting advice from radio stations and the state authorities about whether to evacuate, many people just fled.
166. The corollary to this is the claim that bureaucracy in police stations is chimerical.
167. The nine components bolt together in a variety of configurations, from simple desks to sprawling work stations.
168. Four other independent generating stations are under construction and the Government are aware of about 30 other potential independent projects.
169. To make the country even more civilized the railways were embarking on building great hotels by their stations for the first time.
170. One of its clients, Houston Power and Light,[] uses the object-oriented system to help schedule maintenance of its power stations.
171. For years marginal radio stations paid the rent with late-night or Sunday-morning preacher shows, which they aired for cash up front.
172. Furthermore, building enough to replace sufficient coal-fired stations to meet the draft EC Directive meant an impossible construction programme.
173. Avoid places such as dry cleaners and petrol stations while you are testing out these measures.
174. Liken allows Mac applications to run on Unix stations in an X Window.
175. Such racial discrimination was also apparent at all stations in the Southern States of the United States.
176. There are fourteen commercial television companies, and a host of commercial radio stations.
177. Cart transport survived both in direct competition on shorter routes and by taking goods to and from railway stations.
178. Resnikoff recalled how one House regular taped a statement for a public service announcement plugging the program on radio stations.
179. Icicles the size of stalactites hung from the eaves of wayside stations.
180. Nuclear power stations are notoriously unreliable and construction costs go way over original estimates.
More similar words: statute of limitationsnation-statestationstationeryat stationgestationforestationgas stationbus stationstationaryconsultationattestationdetestationdevastationincrustationmolestationinfestationfire stationworkstationdeforestationcontestationspace stationcomfort stationafforestationpower stationtrain stationreforestationpolice stationmanifestationpolling station
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