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Songfest in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2024-09-05Updated:2024-09-05
Similar words: longfellowslugfestlicensing feeretaining feeking ferdinandsong of songsrelapsing feverteaching fellow
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1. The special songfest gives me the special recollection.
2. The Third-Month Songfest is one of the music-loving Zhuangs' most important festivals.
3. SUN is the music ambassador for 2008 Beijing Olympic Songfest!
4. Thought of that is pain which will breathe, it will live on my body all corners, humph you will love the songfest pain, looked that your letter will meet the pain, including will silence also painful.
5. Wang Chunhua said that the program group is fermenting in the old songbook which involves the program to do again together a similar songfest 's program, satisfies the audience with every effort.
6. Two nights later, Hurley will host his classic, freewheeling St. Patrick's Day songfest.
More similar words: longfellowslugfestlicensing feeretaining feeking ferdinandsong of songsrelapsing feverteaching fellowadvertising feesinking feelingmanifest destinylong forlong formwrongfullong facewrong-footwrongfullystrong forcewrongfulnesspull a long facewrongful deathfestafestoonsafestfesterfestalinfestfestucafestivesong
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