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Smug in a sentence

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Sentence count:83+5Posted:2017-02-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: arrogantboastfulconceitedconfidentegotisticalself-satisfiedvainSimilar words: mugmuggeras muchas much astransmutationMeaning: [smʌg]  adj. marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction. 
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(31) It enable us to dabble in vicarious vice and to sit in smug judgement on the result.
(32) But you couldn't feel smug about filling up your tank with unleaded while all that was going on.
(33) Besides, I can also allow myself to feel smug about not wasting paper and therefore saving a piece of forest.
(34) If you knew, which I'm sure you did judging from your smug expression, why didn't you tell me?
(35) Instead of announcing the glad news to all the nations, Christians became smug and indolent.
(36) Of all the mechanisms which sustain him in that feeling of smug self-satisfaction with himself, the chief one is self-justifying.
(37) Even at lesbian conferences such as Canterbury, Nottingham and Bristol, separatists were castigated for being smug extremists.
(38) After positioning the wad in my cheek I sat around waiting for the hit, feeling smug with my new-found anthropological skills.
(39) To what smug labors and running off at the mouth!
(40) His was the smug look of a man who knew he was in total control and liked it that way.
(41) He just patted his pocket and grinned, looking awfully smug and pleased with himself.
(42) And Katie would give a smug little smile and then whisper about it half the night.
(43) Sandra was at her side, looking smug; her name topped several of the lists.
(44) Now the telephone had acquired a personality, sat on the shelf so smug, taunting her with its silence.
(45) Margaret's life might have been brightened up by a smug, self-amusing gurning garden gnome.
(46) In a short white silk suit, with a lace-edged jacket, she looked like a petite, rather smug Tinkerbell.
(47) It was a logical man's reasoning, a scientist's smug answer.
(48) The little wren does the same and is shy but smug in her self-reliance.
(49) It was a hangout of the privileged classes, smug, snobbish, and perfectly content to remain small.
(50) Nice solid belay, comfortable place to sit, nice view and most of all that warm, smug feeling.
(51) Smug but sexy dumbo darlings, lens-friendly superstars plugged into the ears and groins of a love-struck generation.
(52) Their class system was hidebound, their rulers unjustifiably smug, their attitude to rising talent blinkered.
(53) I would be grateful if your last issues are full of Private Eye and Ian Hislop bashing - the smug munchkin.
(54) Harrison sat in smug satisfaction at the look of surliness on Major Calder's face.
(55) By portraying herself as a slow learner, Wong affords her reader a superior and even a smug position.
(55) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(56) You've got nothing to be smug about.
(57) He was tense, irritable, bitter and smug.
(58) Television commercials seem more smug and fatuous than ever.
(59) Why didn't they go away? Smug ones.
(60) There is no smug pullman attached to the train.
More similar words: mugmuggeras muchas much astransmutation
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