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Shelled in a sentence

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Sentence count:64Posted:2018-01-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hellerhellenicbelledquelledyelledhellenismswelleddwelledMeaning: [ʃeld]  adj. of animals or fruits that have a shell. 
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31, During the Iraq War, American forces shelled Baghdad to deter the Republican Guard from retreating into the city.
32, The bacteria disease of soft - shelled turtle (Trionyx Sinensis) is one of the ma jor diseases in turtle culture industry in China, the disease harms the turtle from juvenile to adult or parent.
33, Small hard shelled nut of North American hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories .
34, Fried kentucky chicken . Huarong chicken with shanghai flavour, Macdold . California beef noodle, and shelled shrimps ravioli.
35, Dried fish, dried squid, shells, sea cucumbers, shelled shrimp, dried sea snake, agar, and others.
36, Hard shelled nut of North American hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories .
37, Important animal bone remains including antler, soft - shelled turtle and tortoise.
38, If you've already shelled out for an antipodean airfare, then you'll want to keep other costs down, including car hire.
39, Objective To study the influence on the ovarian function using the ultrasonic scalpel and the monopolar electrocoagulation respectively after shelled out the ovarian cyst by laparoscope.
40, Soft - shelled turtle breed aquatics[], ever opened to become rich for develop of how many person road.
41, Specific will tell, can choose freshwater shrimp, crab, soft - shelled turtle .
42, Soldiers of the new Confederate States of America shelled the Union base at Fort Sumter, built on an island in Charleston Harbor in South Carolina. They captured Fort Sumter after two days.
43, He shelled the pitcher for eight runs in the first inning.
44, Brazil nuts - inshell and shelled - extra - large , large, medium, midget sizes.
45, A rare golden soft - shelled turtle was found in Hubei Province.
46, Difflugia sp . is a unicellular species of shelled amoeba. It is a free living species in fresh water.
47, Shelled the pitcher for eight runs in the first inning.
48, With paclobutrazol spraying, the disease of peanut was more serious, 100-pod weight, 100-kernel weight,(Sentencedict) the ratio of shelled peanut oil content and protein content were decreased.
49, An indehiscent hard - shelled, one - loculated , one - seeded fruit, such as an acorn or a hazelnut.
50, One, an old barque, had been big enough for a sub to bother with and the sub had shelled her.
51, I shelled out ten dollars for a ticket to a show.
52, Old World climbing plant with hard - shelled bottle - shaped gourds as fruits.
53, A hickory tree ( Carya cordiformis ) of eastern North America, having thin - shelled nuts with bitter kernels.
54, Environmental Control for the Speedy Cultivation of Soft - shelled Turtle.
55, The very fact that you shelled out money to come and see us is a good sign.
56, Heat oil in a wok . Jiggle shelled shrimps in oil slowly and drain.
57, Rinse large shelled prawns and wipe dry. Mix in ground white pepper, salt and corn flour.
58, Steamed soft - shelled turtle shape - ----- integrity, nutrient - rich, intense flavor.
59, Shelled invertebrates also have a home in the collection, including a giant marine isopod (pill bug) from the deep sea below.
60, Trionyx sinensis virus ( TSV ) was isolated from the lethal disease Chinese soft - shelled turtle.
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