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Semi-finished in a sentence

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Sentence count:47Posted:2018-10-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: semifinalsemifinalistfinishedunfinishedfinished goodsfinished partsfinished productunfinished business
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1. According to customers'requirements semi-finished product with different down content.
2. Semi-finished product inspection, packaging inspection. Semi-finished products processing.
3. Steel products including semi-finished products , steel, flat steel, steel pipe.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. Studied the copper powder in different pressure semi-finished product to finally affect the sinter property and density and its mechanism.
5. Illogically arranged production lines can lead to semi-finished products piling up and a waste of time and manpower in moving them.
6. A rising share of trade consists of parts, semi-finished goods and final products moving across borders between parent companies and their foreign subsidiaries.
7. But much of this is in commodities and semi-finished goods, with America, Japan or Europe as the final destination.
8. In fact, so-called "standard" is relative, standard, semi-finished wood door is the key or the installation, the workers work skills require special high.
9. Also welcome incoming sample custom production, semi-finished production, some production processes, agents and finishing, paperhanging production and so on.
10. In design, materials procurement, manufacturing semi-finished products testing, finished product areas such as strict control to ensure product quality.
11. Topcoat Paint is only a semi-finished product, that has to go through the scientific management processes and professional constructions to achieve the perfect decorative effect.
12. Where semi-finished product is processed in multiple Sites[], all Sites must participate in the Annual Product Review process by supplying information to the Site of release.
13. According to customers' requirements, mix semi-finished product with different down content.
14. Business card printing and membership card making semi-finished product stack is too high.
15. The South exported textiles and electronic goods in return for zinc and semi-finished products from the North.
16. Almost two-thirds of the increase in the volume of imports last year was in capital goods, intermediate goods and semi-finished manufactures.
17. And to provide line control panel ODM / OEM manufacturing, electronics, semi-finished products (PCBA) of the complete production.
18. Tread cooling line is an attachment equipment of extruder. It makes hot tread from preforming, cooling, cutting and drying. Then the semi-finished goods for next.
19. Temperature and humidity in casting workshop for sanitary ceramics are very important for the quality of semi-finished product, but the traditional drying system is mostly independent.
20. Rework: The workshop is allowed to remachine or reassemble the unacceptable semi-finished products or finished products found in production process, thus to make them meet the requirements.
21. Also owns Locke analyzer, CTS - 22A/B ultrasonic detectors and WDW - 100 electronic universal material testing machine, to ensure the group of feeding-composting and semi-finished products of quality.
22. This is applicable to the control and disposal of the raw materials, accessory parts, semi-finished product and finished products that are confirmed to be unacceptable through inspection and test.
23. The length is longer, the influence of diametrical error is more, moreover the semi-finished products'section exist different shape errors.
24. OBJECTIVE To establishment the limuliod reagent inspection method of bacterial endotoxin to test semi-finished product of salvia miltiorrhiza injection.
25. This thesis is divided into three parts to research the solution marketing implementation in the high-tech industrial products in the Semi-finished Product Industry.
26. In this paper, a coordinated scheduling problem of transportation of semi-finished jobs and production on a single batching machine is studied.
27. Other than logistic service, we also offer customer value added service on semi-finished product's package, fabrication, labeling.
28. Contrary to widely-held expectations that copper imports would decelerate, unwrought copper and semi-finished product imports surged to a fifth consecutive monthly record.
29. The profitability thereby has to be considered along with the entire process chain of semi-finished parts, the forming process itself until the finished joined parts.
30. The present method refers to a refining method for eliminating electrolyzable inorganic salts impurities in semi-finished organic product.
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