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Run in a sentence

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Sentence count:186+98Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: be givenblack marketbleedbreak awaybunkcampaigncarryconsortcoursedie harddischargedrawendureescapeexecuteextendfeedflowfly the coopfoot racefootracefunctiongoguidehead for the hillshightail ithunthunt downinclineladderlamleadleanmeltmelt downmoveoperateoutpouringpasspersistplayplypolitical campaignprevailracerangeravelrillrivuletrun awayrun forrunnelrunningrunning gamerunning playscarperscatstreakstreamlettake to the woodstallytendtesttrack downtrialturn tailunravelworkSimilar words: run outrun offtrunkrun downon the runrunnerrun out ofrun overMeaning: [rʌn]  n. 1. a score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely 2. the act of testing something 3. a race run on foot 4. an unbroken series of events 5. (American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team 6. a regular trip 7. the act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace 8. the continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or continues in operation 9. unrestricted freedom to use 10. the production achieved during a continuous period of operation (of a machine or factory etc.) 11. a small stream 12. a race between candidates for elective office 13. a row of unravelled stitches 14. the pouring forth of a fluid 15. an unbroken chronological sequence 16. a short trip. v. 1. move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time 2. flee; take to one's heels; cut and run 3. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point 4. direct or control; projects, businesses, etc. 5. have a particular form 6. move along, of liquids 7. perform as expected when applied 8. change or be different within limits 9. run, stand, or compete for an office or a position 10. cause to emit recorded sounds 11. move about freely and without restraint, or act as if running around in an uncontrolled way 12. have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined 13. carry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine 14. be operating, running or functioning 15. change from one state to another 16. cause to perform 17. be affected by; be subjected to 18. continue to exist 19. occur persistently 20. include as the content; broadcast or publicize 21. carry out 22. guide or pass over something 23. cause something to pass or lead somewhere 24. make without a miss 25. deal in illegally, such as arms or liquor 26. cause an animal to move fast 27. be diffused 28. sail before the wind 29. cover by running; run a certain distance 30. extend or continue for a certain period of time 31. set animals loose to graze 32. keep company 33. run with the ball; in such sports as football 34. travel rapidly, by any (unspecified) means 35. travel a route regularly 36. pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals) 37. compete in a race 38. progress by being changed 39. reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating 40. come unraveled or undone as if by snagging 41. become undone. 
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121. Sure, she's only six, but she's old enough to know better than to run off without us.
122. You can always run him over and make it look like an accident.
123. They wouldn't let their cat outside for fear it would get run over.
124. I want this shop to run as smoothly as possible.
125. The Health clinic is relying on volunteers to run the office and answer the telephones.
126. Our golf club is run by a very unfriendly clique .
127. Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. Michael Jordan 
128. Coogan has run a personal best of just under four minutes.
129. He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars.
130. Local authorities will run out of money part way through the financial year.
131. She fulfilled her ambition to become the first woman to run the 10,000 metres in under 30 minutes.
132. The printer has run off 2,[]000 copies of the leaflet.
133. Run along now, sonny; mummy wants to have a rest.
134. A terrifying scream in the blackness of the night made my blood run cold.
135. We've run into difficulties / difficulty with the new project.
136. If the government clamps down on the protestors, that will only serve to strengthen them in the long run.
137. The sudden appearance of her divorced husband caused her to run away.
138. As he was still not allowed to run a company, his wife became its nominal head.
139. We are not prepared to write a blank cheque for companies that have run into trouble.
140. Malcolm's contract will run in tandem with his existing one.
141. Current estimates suggest that supplies will run out within six months.
142. The cat got run over by the lorry and squashed.
143. If the government didn't run such huge deficits, the country would not have financial problems.
144. All the students run out of the classrooms as soon as the bell rings.
145. The competition is planned as a dry run for the World Cup finals.
146. To test the model under different conditions, it is necessary to run simulations on a computer.
147. This type of car can run 25 miles a gallon.
148. A deep furrow has formed in the rock, where water has run over it for centuries.
149. I'll just run over what's been said so far, for latecomers who missed the first speakers.
150. They are proposing radical changes to the way the company is run.
More similar words: run outrun offtrunkrun downon the runrunnerrun out ofrun overrun intotruncatedrun throughin the long run
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