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Rubinstein in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2024-05-31Updated:2024-05-31
Similar words: albert einsteinfrankenstein's monstereinsteinianeinsteinbernsteinlichtensteinfrankensteinwittgensteinMeaning: n. 1. United States pianist (born in Poland) known for his interpretations of the music of Chopin (1886-1982) 2. Russian composer and pianist (1829-1894). 
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1 Something, Mrs Rubinstein, that medicine can not cure.
2 The review was carried out by Vivian Rubinstein, a lay member of the Health Authority.
3 His play remind me of rubinstein himself.
4 Rubinstein loved the new operating system and signed on.
5 Rubinstein , A . Modeling Bounded Rationality . MIT Press,[] 1998.
6 Rubinstein was glad to oblige, because it cost him no money.
7 This quote of Arthur Rubinstein emphasizes the importance of loving life as well as loving the people around you.
8 The stockholders entered suit, and Rubinstein hired a small army of lawyers.
9 And, as Dr. Rubinstein said, bedside manner is only one of many concerns.
10 Objective observers would note that Artur Rubinstein could be guilty of playing between the piano keys.
11 Rubinstein now headed for Japan, taking for companionship: a Hungarian charmer who called herself Countess Natasha.
12 I was reminded of this when I read a leaked e-mail that HP honcho Jon Rubinstein sent to his staff after the company's TouchPad tablet was released to uniformly lukewarm reviews.
13 After winning the plaudits of luminaries like Zubin Mehta and Arthur Rubinstein, Mr. Abas left the stage, a burned-out 14-year-old musician.
14 The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein.
15 He is the Artistic Advisor and Chairman of the Jury of the Arthur Rubinstein International Master Competition.
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