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Rubber in a sentence

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Sentence count:201+28Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: India rubberarcticcaoutchouccondomgaloshgoloshgum elasticgumshoenatural rubberno-goodpencil eraserprophylacticrubber eraserrubberiserubberizesafesafetysynthetic rubberSimilar words: bubblerubrub outrub offfibertimbernumbermemberMeaning: ['rʌbə(r)]  n. 1. an elastic material obtained from the latex sap of trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus) that can be vulcanized and finished into a variety of products 2. any of various synthetic elastic materials whose properties resemble natural rubber 3. an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil 4. contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse 5. a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow. v. coat or impregnate with rubber. adj. returned for lack of funds. 
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31. Rubber is more resilient than wood.
32. She put a rubber band around the box.
33. We played a rubber of bridge.
34. Continuous washing has perished the rubber.
35. He sponged a wrong letter off with a rubber.
36. The legs of the table were tipped with rubber.
37. The rubber nozzle is all cracked.
38. Wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter.
39. These electric wires are protected by a rubber covering.
40. Rubber tubing can perish after a few years.
41. She sat there, reclined against a foam rubber cushion.
42. The rubber hose is playing out.
43. The refrigerator unit has rubber wheels for easy movement.
44. Now they wear rubber fingers treated with lactic acid.
45. Rubber became the staple of the Malayan economy.
46. He doubled the rubber band about the cards.
47. The smell of burning rubber filled the air.
48. The rubber belt on this machine has perished.
49. The stench of burning rubber was overpowering.
50. Leather(sentence dictionary), rubber and wire are flexible.
51. Wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin.
52. These toys are made of pliant rubber, so they won't break.
53. His rubber ball punctured when it fell on a prickly bush.
54. The teacher is cleaning the blackboard with a board rubber.
55. The leather of his left trainer was coming away from its rubber base.
56. He rigged a rubber hose to the tap in the kitchen.
57. Foam rubber is soft rubber full of small air - bubbles.
58. The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber.
59. We can win the rubber 2 games to nil or 2 - 1.
60. He walked up the stairs. The treads were covered with a kind of rubber and very quiet.
More similar words: bubblerubrub outrub offfibertimbernumbermemberchamberliberallimber upremembera number ofsubscriberany number ofmembershipdeliberatelyto the number ofa large number ofbe responsible for
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