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Romeo in a sentence

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Sentence count:80+3Posted:2018-01-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: come outcome offcome ofcome onsomeonecome off itcome out ofcome overMeaning: n. an ardent male lover. 
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(31) Romeo: O blessed, blessed night! I am afeard.
(32) Shakespeare's star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet.
(33) Welcome from Mantua: what says Romeo?
(34) The prince banished Romeo from Verona.
(35) Romeo was stunned. Her mother is a Capulet?
(36) That old goat thinks he is a real Romeo.
(37) Raikkonen :'Usually an Alfa Romeo 159.'
(38) Romeo , having this encouragement, would fain have spoken, but he was desirous of hearing more.
(39) Under his leadership, Fiat added to its car empire by buying luxury carmakers Lancia, Maserati, Alfa Romeo and Ferrari.
(40) Although 1925 brought drastic changes of regulations, from 1924-1930 the Alfa Romeo P2 was victorious in 14 Grands Prix and major events including the Targa Florio.
(41) Romeo is the energetic, sub - six - foot floor leader.
(42) Given that they named their three other kids Brooklyn, Cruz and Romeo[], no one expected the pair to christen their daughter Wendy or Joanne.
(43) Juliet uses monosyllabic words with Romeo, but uses formal language with Paris.
(44) And the garage , I think it's the Alfa Romeo garage , is down there on the left.
(45) We expect the production 149 to debut in September at the Frankfurt Motor Show, though it looks like Alfa Romeo might actually introduce the car to the public will before the show date.
(46) In the four centuries since Romeo and Juliet was first performed, Shakespeare's tragic tale of "star cross'd lovers" has been recast into formats from high school comedy to musical theater.
(47) Gaston Monescu: If Casanova suddenly turned out to be Romeo having supper with Juliet, who might become Cleopatra, how would you start?
(48) Find Parts new " and " used cars, Alfa Romeo, car and motorcycle, the economic model of the bike shops Plaza, boats, ... 19:28:26 U. S. Eastern Standard Time.
(48) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(49) Romeo, come forth; come forth, thou fearful man: Affliction is enamour'd of thy parts, and thou art wedded to calamity.
(50) Balthasar, servant to Romeo.
(51) Romeo saw many smiling and laughing faces come and go in the torchlight.
(52) Quel cucchiaio, non so come , di Romeo aveva il nome.
(53) The two shakespearean plays I read are romeo and juliet.
(54) Balthasar hurried off and Romeo turned to look towards Verona.
(55) The Alfa Romeo 158 debuted with the works Alfa Corse team at the Coppa Ciano Junior in August 1938 at Livorno, Italy, where Emilio Villoresi took the car's first victory.
(56) The tiny man is Aditya "Romeo" Dev, the world's smallest bodybuilder. He stands a towering 2 feet 9 inches tall and weighing in at a whopping 20 pounds.
(57) This is the worst possible Alfa - romeo imitation I could have imagined. Good lord this is horrible.
(58) The two Shakespearean plays I read are Romeo and Juliet.
(59) Being a key suspect in a robbery wasn't going to stop Romeo Montillano from realizing his dream of becoming a Chula Vista, California, police officer.
(60) The Beckhams are joining the rest of their family - including sons Brooklyn and Romeo - for a celebratory lunch.
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