Synonym: despoil, loot, pillage, plunder, ransack, rob, steal. Similar words: drift, flee, terrific, fleet, flexible, reflection, esterification, flexibility. Meaning: ['raɪfl] n. a shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore. v. 1. steal goods; take as spoils 2. go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way.
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151. While carrying the M-1 in the platoon his rifle never fell to the ground.
152. Marina watched him set the rifle against the stairway and climb back up.
153. He put down his glass of tea, lifted the rifle to his shoulder and trudged off into the debris.
154. Friday, 29 years after he was slain by a single rifle shot, his assassination is once again a hot topic.
155. Those who advanced under the rifle fire of the Marines who had remained in position did not fall.
156. The rucksack and the rifle I had been carrying since yesterday evening seemed like a ton weight.
157. One of the gendarmes stumbled dizzily and dropped his rifle.
158. It was learned that a rifle ball had severed a leg artery and that his boot was filling with blood.
159. Sharpe tied the horse's reins to the harrow's stout frame, then slid his rifle out of its saddle holster.
160. The crew tried to drive it away, and one man fired a rifle at it.
161. Well, we heartily recommend against loading your assault rifle and heading for the mall.
162. The action of aiming a rifle can have many reasons and a vendetta is only one of many possibilities.
163. The army use a large acreage in the northern sector of the Pentlands as a training area and rifle range.
164. He was pointing his rifle straight up in the air.
165. But Tho was lying on his back in the water, clutching his rifle, his arms wide-flung.
166. After that, panic ... He was shouting, the door is opened, somebody puts a rifle barrel through the window.
167. In the train he sat opposite me with his rifle across his knees and his steel helmet drowning his face.
168. Both men fired repeatedly, guided by the occasional flash of a rifle ahead of them.
169. In the hills outside, a rifle shot echoed over and over, diminishing from rim to rim.
170. Walking in front of Converse was a little man called the Caporal who carried a Browning automatic rifle decorated with hibiscus.
171. The National Rifle Association has opposed the prohibition of firearm sales to foreign tourists, saying that it would discriminate against them.
172. A sniper with a high-powered rifle and a telescopic lens scans the area for snakes and alligators.
173. In two of the cottages he could see glass-fronted rifle display cases.
174. In his right hand he held the barrel of a Kalashnikov rifle, its wooden butt resting on the roadway.
175. They entered the nearby Golden Nugget(, ostensibly to put a rifle on layaway.
176. I leap up, another unhealthy rifle crack emitting from the same knee.
177. He was wearing a shabby green uniform and a crumpled forage cap, and he carried an automatic rifle.
178. On the screen, two cowboys were exchanging rifle fire at a distance of thirty meters or so.
179. Then he aimed the rifle again, this time at one of the men in the front rank.
180. He just walked around like a dummy with the rest of us with an awkward scope on his rifle.
More similar words: drift, flee, terrific, fleet, flexible, reflection, esterification, flexibility.