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Psf in a sentence

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Sentence count:39Posted:2018-08-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: quadriceps femorisMeaning: n. a terrorist group of radical Palestinians who split with al-Fatah in 1967 but now have close relations with al-Fatah; staged terrorist attacks against Israel across the Lebanese border. 
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31. The algorithm restores the image and the point - spread function ( PSF ) simultaneously.
32. A multiplicative iterative blind image deconvolution algorithm was proposed, in which both estimated image and Point Spread Function (PSF) were assumed to follow Markov Random Field (MRF) models.
33. Electrospun PSF nanofibrous membranes were prepared to toughen TGDDM epoxy resin.
34. The basement membranes for ultrafiltration process are prepared by using L-S phase inversion method with PSF and PES as membrane materials, water as internal coagulant agent.
35. A new way to discrete the continuous PSF also deduced, which has the higher precision.
36. A model was set up to determine the termination of the condensation of PSF resin.
37. The most complete measures of image quality for an optical system were its point spread function (PSF) and its optical transfer function (OTF).
38. A hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane was prepared by using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polysulfone (PSF) blends and the dry wet spinning technology.
39. MTF can be deduced by PSF and the filter used in image reconstruction can be made thereby, so the accuracy of PSF directly affects the performance of reconstructed image.
More similar words: quadriceps femoris
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