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Patentable in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2018-05-16Updated:2020-07-24
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1. Invention is best treated as the subset of patentable technical innovations.
2. The Court decided that it was not patentable, because it lacked the characteristics of an invention.
3. Only new inventions are patentable . You need to keep your invention confidential until you file your corresponding designated application or short-term application.
4. For an invention to be patentable it must not be obvious 'to one of ordinary skill in the art'.
5. Publication of research and development of a patentable or licensable product are the typical standards of achievement.
6. So, defining what is patentable is not as clear cut as black and white.
7. To be patentable an invention must be novel, useful and non-obvious.
8. The doctrine states that a patentable invention must be nonobvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention is made.
9. He then said that the program would not have been patentable had it been stored on a floppy disk.
10. Many companies therefore offer incentives to their employees to come up with patentable ideas.
11. The US Supreme Court, however, has held that laws of nature, physical phenomena and abstract ideas are not patentable .
12. A patent is a governmental grant of an exclusive monopoly as an incentive and a reward for a new invention. To be patentable, an idea must be novel, useful and nonobvious.
13. In particular, it is seldom possible to prove the 'novelty', 'non-obviousness', or even 'usefulness' of IK, as required for patentable inventions.
14. But we figured there was just no way in the world it was patentable.
15. It's as simple as putting on a bathrobe backwards and an idea so ridiculous it isn't patentable.
16. Will it be swept under the carpet or strategically forgotten(, to make way for something more patentable?
17. The Patent Office rejected his application, citing a clause in the patent code which says that life forms are not patentable.
18. The complexity of software and low standards for patent eligibility mean that software engineers produce potentially patentable ideas all the time.
19. In the last decade or so, the boundaries of what is patentable have expanded.
20. But it has been difficult to define what constitutes a patentable invention in this area.
21. If you've got a concept or invention which might be patentable,[] then the only person you probably want to talk to is a lawyer.
22. An improvement of something already patented, including a new use for an old product, may be patentable as a new process.
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