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Overhead in a sentence

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Sentence count:233+21Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: abovealoftexpenseshighSimilar words: overheardat loggerheadsspearheadoverhaulspread overhead and shoulders aboveover and overover and over againMeaning: n. 1. the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes 2. (computer science) the processing time required by a device prior to the execution of a command 3. (computer science) the disk space required for information that is not data but is used for location and timing 4. a transparency for use with an overhead projector 5. (nautical) the top surface of an enclosed space on a ship 6. a hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head. adj. located or originating from above. adv. 1. above your head; in the sky 2. above the head; over the head. 
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91. A beach ball fell from the overhead luggage-tray.
92. Overhead, a bulb casts an eerie bluish light.
93. He gazed up at the fluorescent circle blinking overhead.
94. Overhead were Maurer's enormous fluorescent lamps.
95. More lightning flashed overhead, followed by loud thunder.
96. Overhead is a communication cord,[] as in a train.
97. The overhead lights suddenly flickered and went out.
98. No moor land is complete without its curlew overhead.
99. Three fifty with single overhead cam.
100. Overhead, the fan revolved slowly.
101. Such a high daily volume of transactions is currently not feasible because of the overhead involved.
102. Under the new approach, overhead costs are tied directly to products or services and costs are reported for specific business activities.
103. The text can be put on an overhead and revealed a bit at a time.
104. As helicopter gunships buzzed overhead and tanks shelled two blocks of flats nearby, bulldozers set about destroying a swath of homes.
105. Now shipwreck looters brave a police helicopter circling overhead as they carry their spoils away by bicycle.
106. So if you go for a walk in the desert in a few years time and a plane flies overhead, hide.
107. By now the sky has begun to darken overhead, and night is fast approaching.
108. In no time at all the whole place was dark except for the overhead light in the foyer.
109. Looking up to the blue sky, she watched the many birds flying overhead(, chattering and screaming as they passed out of sight.
110. Planes flew overhead constantly.
111. Lightning forked overhead, illuminating the camp like day, and thunder crashed deafeningly through the deep darkness that followed.
112. I fall asleep to the drone of sirens and helicopters overhead.
113. Back inside his room, he turned on the overhead fan and the air conditioner.
114. The sun, moon, and planets pass almost directly overhead at the Equator.
115. Rockeries and plant displays can be made into focal points by overhead lighting - with spotlights mounted in trees, for example.
116. Note 6: We concluded in Note 4 that department Z will not incur further variable overhead costs.
117. Overhead the beautiful stars flickered and aligned themselves into patterns.
118. I heard croaking and glanced up to see six ravens in three pairs flying high overhead toward the east.
119. As pressure on prices has increased, pharmacies have sought to enhance their buying power and reduce overhead expenses by growing larger.
120. Though the trees and the undergrowth had been cut back, branches and dense foliage stooped overhead.
More similar words: overheardat loggerheadsspearheadoverhaulspread overhead and shoulders aboveover and overover and over againover and aboveheadheadyheadsaheadheadwayhead offhead onhead-onhead forhotheadhead upheadingforeheadpinheadget aheadgo-aheadgo aheadahead ofbulkheadheadgearheadline
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