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Nylon in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+12Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: any longervinylloneralonelong.longcall oncolonMeaning: ['naɪlɑn /'naɪlɒn]  n. 1. a thermoplastic polyamide; a family of strong resilient synthetic fibers 2. a synthetic fabric. 
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31 Materials: both inner and outer are lightweight Taffeta nylon.
32 Trilobal: lightweight nylon with a shiny finish.
33 Freitas was strangled with a nylon cord.
34 She put her finger to the soaked nylon mesh.
35 Taffeta Nylon: A closely woven lightweight nylon.
36 She always wore a nylon apron.
37 Its gold nylon curls had been yanked out.
38 Flysheet fabric: proofed ripstop nylon.
39 Nylon: A plain weave nylon.
40 Nylon is a man - made fibre.
41 Pounces that involved physical contact with the nylon model were considered pseudo matings.
42 Replacing the nylon cord on the hood with shock cord would save the eyes getting a lashing in the wind.
43 The innermost layer was designed for comfort and was made from lightweight nylon.
44 Amid the activities of people taking pictures[], I also saw for the first time a woman wearing nylon stockings.
45 She had covered the mink coat with a nylon overall.
46 The flysheet is made from Supalite 1.5oz ripstop nylon which is pu coated.
47 Spinnaker nylon is difficult to paint without having smudges where the colour runs through to the under surface.
48 Each prisoner had a nylon noose around his neck to prevent escape.
49 Together the bladder and the nylon layer provided the chief resistance to pressure difference.
50 Samples were electrophoresed on 0.8% agarose gels and the size fractionated products transferred to nylon membranes using standard procedures.
51 Then Hay wrestled a nylon bag crammed with playthings from the cargo space behind the third passenger seat.
52 The lightweight upper is made from synthetic suede and nylon and the support is given by the thermoplastic heel counter.
53 Use balloon ripstop on a 110-degree narrow Delta steerable kite,( and you will soon discover why the spinnaker nylon is best.
54 The hi-tech waterproofs are made of tough nylon with Velcro fastenings and pockets.
55 When this can expand no further, it splits and is rolled off, like a nylon stocking from a leg.
56 Painting in ripstop nylon has been taken to extremes by Tom Casselman.
57 I sorted the orange nylon lines out and did some tying, untangling line from line, knot from knot.
58 A knotted skein of nylon straps was looped round his chest.
59 Gone are the days of the cork gazette and thick nylon covered traces.
60 Nylon is the best material for piping bags as it wears well and is easy to wash.
More similar words: any longervinylloneralonelong.longcall oncolongallonsalonblondlonelyalongfelontell onlongerlet alonefor longlong forpull onbelongcolonydwell onlong agoget alongprolongall alongno longercome alongcolonial
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