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Multicentric in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2024-06-02Updated:2024-06-02
Similar words: multicentermulticellmulticellularmulticomponentcentricacentriceccentricexcentric
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1. Objective:To report a case of Multicentric Castlemans disease (MCD) treated with interferon, the pathogenesis, clinical findings, and therapy were discussed.
2. Multicentric CD can also affect lymphoid tissue of internal organs, causing the liver, spleen, or other organs to enlarge.
3. Method The clinical test of multicentric random parallel control was used.
4. The pathogenesis of this multicentric disorder may be associated with autoimmune disease.
5. Because multicentric CD is so rare,[] there is not a lot of information on how well chemotherapy works.
6. Objective To analyse MRI findings of multicentric craniopharyngioma and improve knowledge to it.
7. Some patients with multicentric Castleman disease benefit from treatment with these drugs.
8. Purpose:To study the clinical and pathological characteristics of multicentric angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia (MCD).
9. People with multicentric CD have more than one area of enlarged lymph nodes.
10. Conclusion The effect of this multicentric treatment was better than that of the methods before. NBNA mark is of value in the evaluation of prognosis 14 days after birth.
11. Methods:A multicentric open label clinical study was used and 120 patient with cancer pain were enrolled. they were treated with buprenorphine hydrochloride sublingual tablets.
12. The tumors are frequently multicentric, and a thyroid scan does not always reflect areas of involvement.
13. The satellite nodules of this hepatocellular carcinoma represent either intrahepatic spread of the tumor or multicentric origin of the tumor.
14. This is a case of epithelioid hemangioendothelioma with multiple organs involvement, possibly either multicentric or metastatic.
15. Because CD is associated with the HHV-8, doctors have had some success in treating a few patients with multicentric CD with drugs that kill this virus.
16. Objective To study clinical and pathological features of multifocal glioma and multicentric glioma.
17. In addition, people with either type of CD may have other symptoms. These symptoms, however, occur much more often in multicentric than in localized Castleman disease.
18. Castleman's Disease can be devided into two groups:unicentric Castleman's Disease and multicentric Castleman's Disease, based on the distribution of the lymph nodes involved.
19. After surgery to conserve the breast, 90% of cancer recurrences occur very near to where the removed tumor was (index quadrant), despite the presence of multicentric cancers elsewhere in the breast.
20. The involved nodes may be in the chest or abdomen, but multicentric CD disease often affects lymph nodes in the groin, the underarm area, and on the sides of the neck.
21. Their prognosis was poor. Conclusions The greatest risk factor for recurrence is tumor involvement of the prostate or the prostate urethra except for the multicentric nature of TCC.
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