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Long-distance in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+6Posted:2017-08-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: distancein the distanceequidistanceassistanceresistancewind resistancepassive resistancenonviolent resistanceMeaning: adj. 1. of or relating to or being a long-distance telephone call 2. covering a long distance long distance. n. a telephone call made outside the local calling area. 
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151 The paper focuses on ticket pricing problem of long-distance passenger dedicated line with the comparison of total travel cost with air passenger transport.
152 I made a long-distance call to my wife, asking her to sell our house.
153 In a common long-distance network environment, the bandwidth is about 1M and the latency is about 100 milliseconds.
154 The long-distance runner, who was to be married in less than a week, was last seen preparing to go jogging.
155 Fibre Channel is a high-performance transmission protocol, which has characteristics of high-speed and long-distance transmission.
156 Mark, was there any long-distance communication technology before Bell invented the phone?
157 Based on bluetooth technology, this paper designs a long-distance Watt-hour meter's field test control system, describes working principle, implementation and communicating protocol.
158 That's runner-speak for "hitting the wall, " which is what happens when a long-distance runner runs out of gas, metabolically speaking.
159 A large number of new gas fields will be put into development construction and long-distance transmission pipeline is acceleratively laying in China.
160 "A very famous study was a test done of a long-distance runner who learned to associate digits together in ways that were meaningful to him with respect to running times, " Kane said.
161 Thereby the long-distance range calibration service web-site is established, which can be used to publish the data of common-view, share the track schedule and exchange the technological.
162 The long-distance call costs 50% from 7 to 24 on legal holiday and day-offs.
163 The news photo was a little bit of a coffee spitter, considering even though it was a long-distance shot, it clearly contained a naked woman.
164 long-distance telephone conversations are costly , and letter writing is not a deeply ingrained habit.
165 This method feature is flexible design and simple hardware. It is especially applicable for long-distance data transmission equipment with rotating mechanism and point-to-point signal transmission.
166 Conclusion Comprehensive planning and meticulous arrangement are important for emergent long-distance aeromedical transport.
167 The system can provide proper resolve pian for the fields of videophone. long-distance real-time supervision and so on.
168 A project is brought forward to realize long-distance transmission of water level information by the water level automatic measurement and transmission system based on ADAM5510 and GSM network.
169 The results show that the system improved the VGA signal attenuation and distortion, achieved high-quality, long-distance transmission.
170 The long-distance spread of Erwinia amylovora mainly depend on the transfer of reproductive material and fruit among different areas.
171 The youth not only personal growth of shui ling, and life as a long-distance line.
172 In practice we apply product of EPEC, realize real-time data display, parameter set, failure diagnosis and local and long-distance communication on intelligent road roller.
173 Researchers at IBM have created the most complex neurological map ever seen, detailing the comprehensive long-distance network that makes up the macaque monkey brain in unprecedented detail.
174 The subject is to research on the long-distance training course for staff officer talents and develop the network course for talents' training under the present conditions and possible orientations.
175 Factory, sports hall, pier, bill board, building, parking lot and other places where outdoor long-distance flood lighting is needed.
176 Tests indicate that this scheme is one of the effective ways to solve the problems of storage and long-distance transmission of weather radar echo images.
177 The Tabamiao-Yulin pipeline engineering is a long-distance transmission pipeline project for providing nature gas to Beijing City and Shandong Province.
178 A malfunction checking system and a perfect dialogue system ensures instant malfunction checking and long-distance control and maintenance,( and shorten the time for eliminating malfunction.
179 More speculatively, it could make long-distance space travel more feasible by slowing down ageing and reducing the consumption of oxygen and food.
180 She wonders how her daughter will remember their relationship 40 years from now, if every long-distance communication between them happens via text message.
More similar words: distancein the distanceequidistanceassistanceresistancewind resistancepassive resistancenonviolent resistanceantibiotic resistanceelectrical resistancelong-standinglongstandingstancedistantsubstanceinstancefor instancestand a chanceequidistantcircumstancehappenstancecircumstancesdisturbanceat the instance ofchemical substanceunder the circumstancesnot any longerlong sincestanchdecongestant
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