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Lm in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2018-09-27Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a unit of luminous flux equal to the amount of light given out through a solid angle of 1 steradian by a point source of 1 candela intensity radiating uniformly in all directions. 
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1 Liu LM, Lin SY. Experimental and clinical study on attenuated synergies of chemical medicine by Shenmai Injection. Zhongguo Zhong Liu. 1993; 2(9): 22. Chinese.
2 LM: Have you looked up some of the unusual words like apathia, aphasia and athambia ?
3 LM: You've mentioned Franz Kafka as one of your major influences.
4 LM: Right, Jorge Luis Borges is also often mentioned as your other key inspiration.
5 Let'suse this extended IS? LM model to examine how changes in expectedinflation influence the level of income.
6 LM: You've mentioned Franz Kafka as one of your major influences. When did you first read his work? Which works specifically?
7 Additionally, through the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) program, a division of NLM, user support in the form of phone, e-mail, and training is available free of charge.
8 IS - LM analysis is is a major tool of Keynesian theory.
9 Objectives To investigate the role of laminin (LM) and fibronectin (FN) in the growth cycle of human hair follicles.
10 Objective To compare the clinical effects of the laparoscopic myomectomy(LM) and abdominal myomectomy.
11 That the development experience of LM - STAR is helpful to guide the military ATS development.
12 Dedicated LM geometry for low-carbon steel, reliable chip breaking and smooth chip evacuation.
13 Tin price higherthan lm - level canyon reduce two pct query cable reply.
14 The main characters, basic principles, pin functions of LM 1881 and its application are introduced.
15 ST elevation in aVR predicted LM obstruction with sensitivity of 90 % and specificity of 63.3 %.
16 Serum hyalaronic acid ( HA ), laminin ( LM ) and type IV collagen ( IV - C ) content determined before and after treatment.
17 The audio power amplifier uses integrated chip LM 386, the voltage amplification factor is 200 most greatly.
18 AIM The condition of protoplast formation and regeneration of leucomycin (LM) producing strain SK-06 and the ability of antibiotic producing of regeneration strains was studied in this paper.
19 In addition , concatenation of LM 3914 s could increase number of the circuit effectively.
20 Compare LM to the appropriate critical value in a chi - square distribution.
21 The results show the advantage of LM arithmetic and good converge property.
22 LM: Right, Jorge Luis Borges is also often mentioned as your other key inspiration. What other works have affected your writing?
23 Using timing and interrupt function of the AT 89 C 51 single - chip microcomputer and the LM 386 audio power amplifier.
24 In COD test experiment, we of unknown samples on the base of LM - BP neutral network model.
25 Most of these changes "come out in the wash, " as it were, but this post is an attempt to explain a few of the changes as they pertain to LM.
26 A comparative morphological study of wheat karnal bunt, Tilletia indica, and its similar species was made by examining their teliospores under LM and SEM .
27 Methods:The model mice were orally administrated with different doses of alcohol extracts; the stratum granulosum laminas of 100 scales on mice tails were examined by LM.
28 Leaf epidermal micromorphology of 17 species of Lepisorus and 3 species of related genera from China were observed and studied by using LM (light microscopy).
29 Frequent readmission was also found to be associated with LM.
30 The calcium of coronary artery was in 12 cases (27%) of LM, left anterior descending 1,2 (LAD1,2) in 29 cases (64%), LCX in 22 cases (49%), right coronary artery 1,2 (RCA1,[]2) in 24 cases (53%).
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