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Lm in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2018-09-27Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a unit of luminous flux equal to the amount of light given out through a solid angle of 1 steradian by a point source of 1 candela intensity radiating uniformly in all directions. 
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31 Organic surface modification of nano - attapulgite with silane coupling reagent LM - N 308 was studied.
32 The ontogeny of pinna epidermis and stomatal apparatus in Encephalartos gratus Prain have been observed with LM and SEM.
33 The quality of the LM soap film crystal is determined by means of the positron annihilation life spectroscopy.
34 Do - it - yourself analog - to - LM 3914 display driver offers user programmability.
35 Given the severity of acne and evidence of inflammatory lesions, the optimal regimen for LM is a combination of a topical retinoid and an antimicrobial agent.
36 The same LM algorithm is used to track the affine deformation parameters of the target.
37 Additionally, you cannot use this mode together with SH and LM.
38 Tell her lm sorry that I could not taje her to the Junior Prom.
39 The leaf epidermal structures of 9 species of Polygonatum from Auhui province, Chinahad been observed under LM and SEM.
40 The microcharacteristics of leaf surface in Lysimachia were investigated by using light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM).
41 The pollen morphology of 30 species and 4 genera of Tamaricaceae in China was investigated by means of LM and SEM, of which one species, Tamarix elongata was observed with TEM.
42 In this paper the primary elaborated on the LM Group's financial control system for the design process.Sentence dictionary
43 Swelled regions(Positive G-bands)and invaginated regions (Negative G-bands or interband regions)appeared in G-banded chromosomes. This phenomenon corresponded to G-bands in the LM.
44 Leaf epidermis of 8 species of plant, which belong to Brassicaceae have been examined under light microscope(LM).
45 This paper designed a kind of ultrasonic gas meter applying LM 1812 according as the frequency - difference method.
46 The leaf epidermis of 16 species and 1 variety of Astragalus subgenus Pogonophace was investigated by the light microscopy (LM) and partially by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
47 The intelligent position servo control system, which uses special intelligent precision motion control processor — LM 628, is put forward.
48 LM in the south of Goldshire, next to the flash gold.
49 This code for the computer mouse maze topology search code LUMINARY processor's Lm 3 s 615.
50 The F and LM statistics for multiple hypothesis are also invalid.
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