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Live with in a sentence

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Sentence count:163+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: acceptswallowSimilar words: fall in love withcope within line withagree withkeep pace withcooperate withinterfere withmake peace withMeaning: v. tolerate or accommodate oneself to. 
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1. Better die with honour than live with shame. 
2. If you live with a lame person, you will learn to limp. 
3. Do you live with your parents?
4. How do you live with yourself?
5. Love is not finding someone to live with. It's finding someone you can't live without.
6. He has to live with the dreadful knowledge that he caused their deaths.
7. He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth.
8. She had learnt to live with his sudden changes of mood and erratic behaviour.
9. She has gone to live with her husband's kin.
10. He went to live with another woman.
11. Would he be able to live with himself later?
12. They learned to live with each other's imperfections.
13. Did Tom live with Mary before they were married?
14. Seemingly[], she's gone off to live with another man.
15. Could you live with that on your conscience?
16. Emily's mercurial temperament made her difficult to live with.
17. I'd love her to come and live with us.
18. Do you live with your mum or your dad?
19. I still live with my mum.
20. You have to learn to live with stress.
21. Kat Bjelland has been playing live with her new band.
22. What became of that student who used to live with you?
23. Millions of people live with the harsh realities of unemployment.
24. My grandmother came to live with us when I was ten.
25. He moved to Belgium in 1990 to live with his son( with.html), who had been resident in Brussels since 1967.
26. Joe's mother consents to let him live with his girlfriend, but his father doesn't.
27. We all make our choices in life. The hard thing to do is live with them.
28. It is no longer desirable for adult children to live with their parents.
29. Most of us don't like the new regulations, but we have to live with them.
30. Whether you like it or not, you will have to live with the new tax law.
More similar words: fall in love withcope within line withagree withkeep pace withcooperate withinterfere withmake peace withcommunicate within accordance withgive waydrivewaylivegive way toliverlive outlive ondeliverlive up todeliverywithgo withdo withwithoutwithindown withmeet withtalk withbear withdeal with
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