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Leakers in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2024-10-21Updated:2024-10-21
Similar words: leakerbreakersweaker sexspeakershipspeaker systemloudspeaker systempeakerweaker
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1, But less exalted leakers had to beware.
2, Undoubtedly to the disappointment of the leakers, Inman came through the whole affair like a breath of fresh air.
3, The two leakers also have things in common.
4, Leakers can have a variety of motives, some impure.
5, In awards season, movie leakers are 'Enemy Within'
6, Leakers like Manning can be prosecuted, but because few commit Manning's blunder of bragging about their exploits, they are rarely caught.
7, A common technique for discovering leakers is to tell each suspect some unique piece of information (a tidbit) and then see if it spreads.
8, Premier Li and Officer Han were serious secret leakers of the secret organization.
9, Worst of all, the leakers went to Fox News, a move which they knew would cause Graham the most damage.
10, The US authorities are concentrating their firepower on leakers and their friends.
11, Historically, many leakers have not been saintly people leak for all kinds of reasons.
12, The committee was a mess: rambling, inconclusive, a haven for back-channelers and leakers.
13, Leaks are possible at the valve threads where the valve screws into the cylinder; these are commonly referred to as "neck leakers."
14, Fiorina told me she never had any doubt that the leakers were Keyworth and Perkins.
15, Graham Stringer MP said: "Michael Martin lost his job because he [also] thought it was more important to pursue the leakers – of MPs' expenses – rather than pursue the issues."
16, But a critical piece of the puzzle is not being addressed: what are the motivations of the leakers?
17, Alternately,( new international agreements will surface that attempt curb leaking and punish leakers.
More similar words: leakerbreakersweaker sexspeakershipspeaker systemloudspeaker systempeakerweakerbeakerbreakertweakerspeakersqueakersneakerstreakerleakeytie breakericebreakerjawbreakertiebreakerlaw-breakerlawbreakerpathbreakerloudspeakerwindbreakerspeakerphonehousebreakertake a leakfirst speakerrecord-breaker
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