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Landing in a sentence

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Sentence count:255+16Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: landing placeSimilar words: fundingspendingoutstandingdependingsurroundingcorresponding toend inhand inMeaning: ['lændɪŋ]  n. 1. an intermediate platform in a staircase 2. structure providing a place where boats can land people or goods 3. the act of coming down to the earth (or other surface) 4. the act of coming to land after a voyage. 
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121. On landing, Sly was shown to his chalet by a uniformed and armed guard.
122. Similarly, an event like the landing of astronauts on the moon either has taken place or it hasn't.
123. We visited Meiktila by plane and continued by air to Mandalay, landing on a very rough airstrip.
124. At a quarter past twelve he was standing on the landing with Fred when he heard the first cry of the child.
125. The pilots were instructed simply to switch off their engines upon landing as taxi-ing the aircraft would be impossible.
126. Nocks are vulnerable when landing; but can themselves be capped with a length of vinyl tube.
127. The pilot refused to endanger the lives of his passengers by making an unscheduled landing.
128. She went into the bathroom along the landing and splashed her face with cool water.
129. His group wanted to broaden their remit to look into possible Moon landing missions.
130. An unnecessary signal: the radios had been dead since the crash landing.
131. In addition, I called an agency that was close to landing me a job and informed it that I was employed.
132. He slammed out on to the landing, and kicked open the door to the next room.
133. It is obvious that it will miss the landing strip and arrive wing first.
134. Your very first field landing could even turn out to be the most difficult field of your whole gliding career.
135. The ship would be lighter for the running landing I was prepared to make at our destination.
136. In the half-light from the single landing bulb[], he took what seemed to Constance an age to open it.
137. The aftermath of the Apollo I fire had left many questioning the basic concept of an attempted Moon landing.
138. It would, he thought with a smile, be most unfitting to explode on landing under the circumstances.
139. The other was a series of small dents on the landing lino.
140. Probably the most crucial times in sea kayaking are launching and landing.
141. In my own school,[] there was another bad situation in a Fourth Grade class across the stair landing.
142. He was directed towards a glider landing strip, but he appears to have clipped a tree and then crashed on farmland.
143. Bad weather can force an emergency landing or strong winds can blow them off course.
144. He crawled on hand and knees across the landing, the ancient boards creaking beneath him.
145. Karr's ship was docking even as Tolonen rode the sealed car out to the landing bay.
146. If there is a possible area for a safe landing, use the brakes and get down into it.
147. Mr Noyes will claim the MoD said nothing about the alleged landing because it wanted to save any embarrassment.
148. She jumped up and punched him in the kidneys before landing a fist on the point of his chin.
149. Gentlemen, you could very well be using this gravel strip as an emergency landing field for huge bombers.
150. The canard tipped and the pilot skilfully dived us back into the field for a perfect emergency landing.
More similar words: fundingspendingoutstandingdependingsurroundingcorresponding toend inhand insend inabound indiningplanningweddingleadingtradingincludingbuildinghand in handaccordingregardingexcludingrecordingaccording tobuilding materialslandlaneplanIndiancandidateplant
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