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Infusibility in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2024-09-10Updated:2024-09-10
Similar words: fusibilitydiffusibilityplausibilityinfeasibilityimplausibilityvisibilitysensibilityfeasibility
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1 The infusibility material in HCPE varnish is mainly composed of a kind of insulation agent and the low chlorinated polyethylene.
2 However, because of lower solubility and infusibility properties of the PANI synthesized by chemical polymerization, which seriously limits basic research of it's electrochemical properties.
3 However their infusibility and lack of functional groups have strongly limited the application of CNTs in many fields.
4 Infusibility anode arid cathode of platinum-plated is applied in electrolysis industry.
5 The low solubility and infusibility restrict its processing and applications in some fields.
More similar words: fusibilitydiffusibilityplausibilityinfeasibilityimplausibilityvisibilitysensibilityfeasibilitytensibilitypossibilityinfusibleinvisibilitydivisibilitydemulsibilityexpansibilityinsensibilityimpossibilitypermissibilityaccessibilityunfeasibilityadmissibilityreversibilitydefensibilityextensibilitycompressibilitydistensibilityresponsibilitysuspensibilitycollapsibilityindivisibility
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