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Hypodynamia in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2024-09-15Updated:2024-09-15
Similar words: adynamiahemodynamicaerodynamicbiodynamicsgeodynamicsthermodynamicphotodynamicaerodynamics
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1. The symptoms, such as ominous premonition, dysphoria, hypodynamia , dyssomnia are common in anxiety; hypoergais, melancholy, irritability, anorexia are common in depression.
2. Be suitable for the people with insomnia and dreaminess , hypodynamia, sallow complexion, dysphoria, depressed expression, or suffering from climacteric syndrome (pale tongue thin coating).
3. There were some common presentations for hypothyroidism and renal failure, such as edema, anemia, hypodynamia, anorexia, pericardial effusion, proteinuria and renal failure.
4. Visitor: What should I do? My son feels dizzy, nausea and hypodynamia!
5. The clinic symptoms of these diseases are seen as dizziness, pale lips, hypodynamia, loss of appetite and energy.
6. It is suitable for sub-healthy people with soreness and weakness of waist and knees, cold stomach, hypodynamia , tinnitus and forgetful.
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