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Hawk in a sentence

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Sentence count:190+7Posted:2017-03-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: chasehuntpeddlesellvendSimilar words: mohawktomahawkthawshawlawkwardmawkishhawthornawkwardnessMeaning: [hɔːk]  n. 1. diurnal bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail 2. an advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations 3. a square board with a handle underneath; used by masons to hold or carry mortar. v. 1. sell or offer for sale from place to place 2. hunt with hawks 3. clear mucus or food from one's throat. 
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31) The hawk was sacred to her, and was used to depict her symbolically in art.
32) The leader has to know, as Hamlet puts it, a hawk from a handsaw.
33) Sometimes the hawk will begin to circle or glide and a smaller bird will fly directly beneath him.
34) At top speed, the Pave Hawk helicopter can travel 221 miles per hour.
35) After entering the cave, Hawk senses such awesome power that he flees in terror.
36) When Glover folded back the blanket her expression hardened, her face became the fixed eyes and mouth of a hawk.
37) On patrol, game warden Jay Little Hawk discovers the bodies of a herd of mutilated deer.
38) In the case of the white-tailed hawk and other forms of wildlife, this destruction of suitable habitat may prove
39) If a hawk flies over their coop, they scurry to shelter; if a pigeon, they do not.
40) The past is the hawk, flying higher; its talons are stronger, its wings wide and majestic.
41) Parents should watch their kids like a hawk for sunburns.
42) Screaming vendors hawk snow cones and boiled corn on the cob.
43) The hawk stopped in mid-flight before diving down on its prey.
44) The first lucky winner is David Pitchforth for his Hudson Hawk maps.
45) Gamblers brought wheels of fortune; hucksters set up stalls to hawk gingerbread and beer.
46) Sometimes, she thought she disconcerted Hawk with her love[], but he kept apace with her.
47) Plus, the speaker will be watched like a hawk for any signs of hubris or further financial shenanigans.
48) Not so much an aviary now more a hen-house when a hawk flies over.
49) He holds a fist to the sky and a hawk swoops down.
50) Harris will incorporate the PowerPC into the Night Hawk line.
51) Most people know that they hawk and feed on other flies.
52) A sparrow hawk appeared - and all hell broke loose!
53) Today, more than usual, he had been watching them like a hawk.
54) Others were disturbingly abstract, and Hawk could give her no clue as to their exact meaning.
55) Half way through our second drink he attacked like a hawk, the cavernous leather sofa almost swallowing me.
56) Under such circumstances, the differences between hawk and dove-so clear when peace seems possible-begin to fade.
57) The present is the mouse running from the shadow the hawk casts on the earth, and sometimes it escapes.
58) Like a rabbit borne aloft by a hawk, Semele hung gasping in his grip.
59) And it's putting me off, having you watching me like a hawk all the time.
60) Hawk and heron, teal and lapwing make a habitat in the tall brush and skimpy trees.
More similar words: mohawktomahawkthawshawlawkwardmawkishhawthornawkwardness
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