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Handwash in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2018-06-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: wash-and-wearendwayslandwardwindwardbandwagonwax and wanesound wavestand watchMeaning: v. wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine. 
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1. These bras should be handwashed to help them keep their shape.
2. Anyway, which self-respecting rocker would handwash his originals?
3. So I use the ordinary detergents that I keep in the cupboard for hand-washing and this works very well for me.
3. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
4. Handwashing seems such a simple task but in fact is a subject of surprising contention among health professionals.
5. He also told her about his anxiety attacks and obsessive hand-washing.
6. Handwash your ball with a soft cloth and warm soapy water.
7. After a thorough handwash, the visitor can play with the cats, read comics or just relax.
8. HandWash: Spread the product directly on stains, blood spots etc. Wash by hand after several minutes.
9. I bought this handwash for my children hoping it would help the skin on their hands.
10. Fortunately, these transient flora are more effectively removed by handwashing than the resident flora.
11. Washed, soft, fluffy, non-shrink, can not afford to ball, aroma and pleasant, easy rinse, soft, Handwash, Machine wash can be Applied to washed hair silk fabrics.
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