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Full payment in a sentence

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Sentence count:32+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2019-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bill paymentfinal paymentpartial paymentfull payinstallment paymentpaymentpayment by installmentsrepayment
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1) I enclose £65.20, in full payment of the bill.
2) The hostel requires full payment in advance.
3) Dates Complete the booking form, and send with full payment due.
4) Full payment for auction purchases is normally required on the day of the sale.
5) We ask for full payment at sight.
6) We ask for full payment on sight,[ payment.html] because we guarantee the quality for all our products.
7) Escrow deposit at start of project and full payment on completion. Need a quick turnaround time and someone to start immediately.
8) We require full payment within 45 days with a 15 % discount for cash payment in advance.
9) Policyholder shall make full payment of premium to effect the policy before the departure.
10) W: We ask for full payment at sight, because we guarantee 90% mechanical efficiency for all our products. You don't have the same guarantee from other suppliers.
11) W: We ask for full payment at sight, because we guarantee 90% mechanical efficiency for all our products. You don't have the same guarantee from other suppliers. The usual percentage is around 85.
12) A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property.
13) We ask for full payment at sight because we can guarantee 90 % mechanical efficiency.
14) In addition, multiple security system and full payment has been made in the user's trust.
15) So , as we can't receive the full payment, we can't arrange and deliver the goods correct.
16) The dispute has been settled. Full payment (ITC) has been released to your revenue account.
17) Full payment must be made before we get the new car.
18) Full Payment Escrow will be created and released after job completion.
19) Documents are to be released after full payment of invoice value.
20) The buyers took delivery of the foil but never made full payment.
21) Item will be shipped within 1 business day after receipt of full payment.
22) All orders will only be delivered upon receipt of full payment.
23) All the reservation cannot be confirmed until the organizer receive full payment in cash.
24) We can allow you a discount of fifteen percent on condition that you make full payment at sight .
25) For reservation made within 7 working days prior to departure(, a non - refundable full payment is required.
26) Registrations not accompanied by appropriate payments will not be honored until full payment is made.
27) We, as sellers with very good customer service, are very pleased to receive the full payment of the outstanding balance, and shall be glad to reopen the closed account with you.
28) Each named Tenant is jointly and severally responsible for full payment of the above stated rent.
29) Import of aircraft generally require outside delivery, and delivery, full payment.
30) Enrolments are on a first - come - first - served basis, and it will only be confirmed by full payment.
More similar words: bill paymentfinal paymentpartial paymentfull payinstallment paymentpaymentpayment by installmentsrepaymentnonpaymentnon-paymentprepaymentdown paymentcash paymenttime paymentoverpaymentstop paymentpayment in cashpayment termsunderpaymentpayment orderprompt paymentpayment systempayment in kindmode of paymentsingle paymentterm of paymentpremium paymentterms of paymentmeans of paymentmonthly payment
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