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Focal in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+2Posted:2017-03-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bifocalfocal pointsuffocatevocallocalso-calledequivocalapocalypseMeaning: ['fəʊkl]  adj. 1. having or localized centrally at a focus 2. of or relating to a focus. 
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31) Everybody fussed over his brilliance to a great degree; he was a focal point at our school.
32) Rockeries and plant displays can be made into focal points by overhead lighting - with spotlights mounted in trees, for example.
33) Whatever the cause, the presenting symptom is therefore one that manifests focal brain dysfunction.
34) The group leader is the focal point for group dynamics, which he or she initiates and manages.
35) All the instrumentalists, of course, weave solos through this fabric of sustained notes, but the focal point is Threadgill.
36) Occasionally, some one will have the initial focal phase of migraine,[Sentence dictionary] followed by minimal or no headache.
37) A 19-year-old previously healthy woman was admitted with generalised tonic-clonic seizure, followed by focal myoclonus of the right shoulder.
38) Those with simple partial seizures may have focal spikes and / or slow waves.
39) Farmhouse follows the style of the farmhouse kitchen, and has a pine dresser or armoire as its focal point.
40) Normal lung tissue and that from patients with focal fibrosis expressed very little ET-1.
41) The risk of identifying focal lesions on a large scale in any screening programme therefore seems negligible.
42) Properties of a parabola All parabolas are similar. Focal length a determines the magnitude.
43) It's a focal point for people from miles around and has a really continental flavour.
44) Back in the early 1980s[], there was a small community whose focal point was one mosque in Tempe.
45) There is now substantial evidence that vascular disruption and focal thrombosis, related to macrophage infiltration, occurs in Crohn's disease.
46) Our measurements at those focal points soon began to reflect the power of motivation, pride, and commitment.
47) We should refrain from placing at our political focal point only those subjects for which a solution has not been found.
48) The focal point of reception was a huge brick fireplace.
49) He would slowly become the focal point of his life.
50) The focal point of the Centre is an Olympic standard 2000 metre water sports course which hosts events.
51) Their extensive lands were organised and run from these focal places, which often appear relatively insignificant today.
52) Again the castle formed the focal point of the walls.
53) This does cause a problem in that you need shorter focal length lenses to obtain the same effect.
54) The resulting seizures are commonly regarded as a successful experimental approximation of focal epilepsy.
55) The municipal gallery, though, likely will become the focal point for local artists from now on.
56) A focal point is the inviting, good-sized pool where you can cool off from the heat of the sun.
57) There is a long promenade to stroll down, but the focal point of the resort is the village square.
58) The focal points of the diagram are now arranged down the left-hand side of Figure 7.2 below.
59) One of the focal points of the model is the lion's head which surrounds the barrel.
60) The image produced by a diverging lens is however frequently virtual and consequently the focal length does not seem easy to determine.
More similar words: bifocalfocal pointsuffocatevocallocalso-calledequivocalapocalypsereciprocalunequivocalmercalli scalefocusfocusedfocus onfocussedlocateallocatebrocadecocainelocatedavocadorelocatelocationvocationadvocatedislocaterevocableholocaustavocationevocative
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