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Firing mechanism in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2024-08-24Updated:2024-08-24
Similar words: steering mechanismrotating mechanismswitching mechanismadjusting mechanismactuating mechanismcontrolling mechanismmechanismchain mechanismMeaning: n. the action that ignites the charge in a firearm. 
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1. The bomb's firing mechanism is activated by a time-clock.
2. Unfortunately, the water had damaged the firing mechanism inside the rocket.
3. Now I was touching buttons and the firing mechanism of a visitor from perhaps 100 years ago.
4. Featuring a spring piston firing mechanism, the sniper rifle is almost silent when fired which gives a vital advantage to snipers who don't want to give away their position.
5. The soldier told me where the firing mechanism of a rifle was.
6. These mercenaries prefer the complexities of the matchlock firing mechanism over the physical conditioning required to make effective archer.
7. The soldier told us where the firing mechanism of a rifle is.
8. This paper starts with analyzing the firing mechanism of the LJUNGSTROM air preheater, and points out kinds of ignition factors of the air preheater.
9. The firing mechanism of an underwater pistol was kinematically and dynamically analysed and calculated.
10. That would leave the bulk of the bag free for the plutonium 239 and the firing mechanism John had described.
11. He is best known for his automatic pistols and was the first one to invent the slide, which encloses the barrel of a pistol and the firing mechanism.
12. A type of jar that incorporates a mechanical trip or firing mechanism that activates only when the necessary tension or compression has been applied to the running string.
12. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
13. The armored monogrip hands have built-in signal emitters that trigger the firing mechanism on specialized blaster rifles, allowing the droids to squeeze off shots even though they lack fingers.
14. Matrix transformations were used to establish the kinematic equations of the firing mechanism.
15. The lighter caliver is therefore a more fitting choice for these men who prefer the complexities of the matchlock firing mechanism over the physical conditioning required to make effective archer.
More similar words: steering mechanismrotating mechanismswitching mechanismadjusting mechanismactuating mechanismcontrolling mechanismmechanismchain mechanismgear mechanismfeed mechanismprice mechanismservo mechanismservomechanismdrive mechanismneuromechanismrotary mechanismaction mechanismaccess mechanismescape mechanismdefence mechanismdefense mechanismmarket mechanismscontrol mechanismdelivery mechanismchemical mechanismdecision mechanismautomatic mechanismtransport mechanismprotection mechanismtransaction mechanism
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