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Fast one in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2024-04-05Updated:2024-04-05
Similar words: pull a fast one oncast onastonishastoniedchina stoneastonishedastonishingthrow a stone atMeaning: n. a cunning or deceitful action or device. 
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1. He was trying to pull a fast one when he told you he'd paid.
2. They really pulled a fast one.
3. Maybe Jobs and Apple have pulled a fast one on the Gates empire.
4. Are you trying to pull a fast one on me?
5. Often makers try pulling a fast one by giving a tractor a number that's bigger than its actual horsepower.
6. If he had a chance to pull a fast one or sneak in the back door, he would do it.
7. As easy as Bentley, albeit a ridiculously fast one.
8. Don't try to pull a fast one on me!
9. Are you pulling a fast one on me?
10. He had been trying to pull a fast one on his co-producer.
11. The expression pull a fast one means to fool or trick somebody.
12. She had been trying to pull a fast one on her partner.
13. The idea that you could pull a fast one would be different.
14. You might think you can pull a fast one on someone else.
15. He pulled a fast one and got away with it.
16. Moscow has pulled a fast one on us by breaking its word on troop withdrawals.
17. The spendthrift son had once again pulled a fast one on his tight - fisted father.
18. No doubt someone had pulled a fast one on her over a procedural matter.
19. I am not trying to pull a fast one on you.
20. Here is where the company has pulled a fast one on its employees.
21. Use this advantage to hard and fast one tank at a time.
22. He tried to pull a fast one on us, but we caught on before he got away with it.
23. The shopkeepers try to pull a fast one by selling low quality goods at high prices.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. It's never worth that much - I think he pulled a fast one on you.
25. Haider has proved repeatedly that when it comes to politics he is capable of pulling a fast one.
26. What are some things that make a difference between a slow ride on a slide and a fast one? 2.
27. His mind is open to the possibility that Alan the Aston office manager might be pulling a fast one over him.
28. The script was written by someone who would never pull a fast one on you, Dr. Lucy Tse.
29. It wouldn't be the first time a country tried to pull a fast one in gymnastics.
30. I don't think you'd have the guts to pull a fast one.
More similar words: pull a fast one oncast onastonishastoniedchina stoneastonishedastonishingthrow a stone atrosetta stonewollastoniteastonishmentastonishinglycast the first stonewithin a stone's throwcarry coals to Newcastlefastfasterfastenfastballfastingfasten onfastesthold fastholdfastbelfastfast lanefast-foodstand fastacid-fastfast food
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