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Electronic switch in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2020-05-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: electric switchelectronicsoptoelectronicsmicroelectronicselectronic signalelectronics companyelectronic shoppingelectronic spreadsheet
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1) In digital computers, it functions as an electronic switch.
2) This circuit is an effective electronic switch.
3) The starter solenoid is essentially a large electronic switch that can handle that much current.
4) Because of the electronic switch the order of conduction lines are synchronized with the rotor angle, which has played a mechanical commutator to the role exchange.
5) Some typical procedures to apply high-speed electronic switch to the circumvention of systems are systematically discussed and briefly compared for their advantages and disadvantages.
6) With a little cost augment , an electronic switch is applied to discharge the dis-tributing capacitors, and the relative error reduces to an acceptable level.
7) Mainly produces all kinds of electronic switch socket (including the leaf switches, touch switches, toggle switches, slide switches, push switch, button switch, key switch, self-locking switch.
8) This paper presented a modified electronic switch averaged model which is different from conditional ideal averaged models.
9) In this paper, an automatic electronic switch circuit with high-power and high-speed is presented.
10) Any movement detected by the sensor is signalled to the electronic switching circuit which automatically turns on the lights.
11) Based on characteristics of PIN diode switch circuit in RF signal switching, a PIN electronic switch circuit is designed to perform filter switching.
12) If a electromagnetic pulse valve is always magnetized, it must be checked if the corresponding electronic switch tube is in electric leakage or broken-down.
13) The development of power electronic technology makes it possible to carry out tap shift by using microprocessor to control directly power electronic switch.
14) This paper presents an anti-interference energy storage switching circuit that consists of a rechargeable battery or capacitor as the energy storage component, and a mechanical or electronic switch.
15) Are the current domestic production of various kinds of electronic switch of professional-oriented enterprises.
16) The gate of each fet is tied through a diode to the electronic switch control flipflop so the gate can be pulled to ground, which is -4.5V compared to the source.
17) Countermeasures were also proposed and carried out to solve the problems of the said electronic switch gear.
18) According to the practical requirements, two schemes,( switch.html) i. e. high-speed operational amplifier and high-speed electronic switch are proposed.
19) The solid state memory circuit in a digital device is divided into a plurality of memory units, each of which is powered through an electronic switch.
20) The time jitter is an important performance parameter of photo electronic switch.
21) In 1995, Wenzhou Gangyuan Electronics Co. , Ltd. was jointly established through joint venture by Shenyuan Electronic Switch Factory and Hong Kong Koon Yue Industrial Development Company.
22) A new method of design chaotic measurement circuits is presented, it simulates the electronic switch by DSP. The new chaotic measurement system has better linearity and less error.
23) Please don't use this product together with a dimming device , electronic switch or remote control.
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