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Electromechanical in a sentence

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Sentence count:99Posted:2018-03-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mechanicalmechanicallyhydromechanicsmechanical manmechanical systemmechanical energymechanical drawingelectronicallyMeaning: adj. of or relating to or involving an electrically operated mechanical device. 
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61. Investigates the matching calculation of electromechanical transmission system for electric cars.
62. Electromechanical relays are available in non - latching and latching types.
63. In 1940, the United States Gourma developed electromechanical color television system.
64. On this basis, the design scheme of capacitive electromechanical conversion device was put forward. This device can replace electromagnetic electromechanical conversion device to a certain extent.
65. Electric Actuator - An electromechanical device used to actuate ( open, close, or modulate ) a valve.
66. Doubly salient permanent magnet motor is a novel electromechanical controllable AC variable speed systems.
67. A novel electromechanical driving actuated film display ( AFD ) has been developed.
68. The forced vibration of the electromechanical coupled double micro beam under harmonic excitation is investigated further.
69. On this basis, a prioritization scheme for the circular cone structure of capacitor and the design scheme of capacitive electromechanical conversion device are proposed.
70. Researchers at NEC System Technologies and Mie University have designed a robot that can taste — an electromechanical sommelier able to identify dozens of different wines, cheeses and hors d'oeuvres.
71. This thesis introduced the situation of corrugated cardboard crosscut machine based on automatic control theory, electromechanical drive theory and computer theory.
72. A mechanical press type of electric igniter introduced in this paper, with originality in the structure design, is a kind of electromechanical initiation equipment.
72. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
73. An overview on construction of under-river section, liaison passage, landward section and electromechanical installation is presented.
74. The dielectric constant, pyroelectric coefficient, thickness extension vibration electromechanical coupling factor and their temperature dependence are investigated.
75. This paper attempts to describe the theoretical model of SSA. Based on the theory of bilateral electromechanical transducer, SSA is modeled by transfer matrixes of bilateral transducers.
76. Have basic ability to explain or illustrate the constructional and electromechanical facilities'drawings drawing, words etc.
77. Then, based on the equivalent principle of mechanics, the electromechanical dynamic model of the active member is proposed to reveal its mechanical output characteristics.
78. We have strong productive capacity in processing, punching, welting and electromechanical assembly of precision machinery.
79. Nanotubes would serve as individually addressable electromechanical switches arrayed across the surface of a microchip, storing hundreds of gigabits of information, maybe even a terabit.
80. Combing with practical project, the author shows the content of deepen design in electromechanical installation project, the application of deepen design in project and the effectiveness.
81. The relation between the air gap thickness and the peak wavelength in micro-optical electromechanical system (MOEMS) optical tunable filter based on Fabry-Perot etalon is discussed.
82. The dynamic formulation of the electromechanical coupling system for a programmable mechanical press is studied.
83. According to the antipiezoelectric effect, an adhered multilayer piezocrystal electromechanical transducer and its drive circuit have been designed.
84. The parallel plate electromechanical transducer of lumped-parameter devices is studied first in the paper.
85. Electromechanical design for building decoration is to design the plane electromechanical system.
86. Electromechanical products of an investment nature had ups and downs.
87. Based on the principle of electromechanical control system, the principle of the combination switch in the system is analysed in this paper.
88. This thesis mainly discusses and studies the resonant characteristics of the mechanical resonance, modeling of the electromechanical resonant system and its close-loop stability in depth.
89. Motion controlling technology is the core integral part of electromechanical integration technology.
90. Prior to the development of AGC systems, speed control was accomplished with electromechanical governors only.
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