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Dispatching in a sentence

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Sentence count:125Posted:2018-01-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dispatchdispatcherdispatchedpatchinesswatchingmatchinghatchingcatching
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(61) This industrial standard is applicable to digital stored program control dispatching equipments.
(62) The hydropower station dispatching factors can be looked up in the Control Rule Table and the affiliation of each factor to the fuzzy subset is determined so as to get the dispatching decision.
(63) The passengers " data collection and analysis is the base of bus dispatching. "
(64) The channel organization of Yidu conversion station consists of protective and safety control channel, automation channel, dispatching telephone channel.
(65) Faced with a misfiring defensive quartet, Ferguson has already demonstrated his ruthlessness by dispatching Stam to Lazio.
(66) Computer- controlled truck dispatching system has been developed from the stage of theoretical research to the stage of practical using in surface mine of our country.
(67) To combine research subject, this dispatching method is detailedly opened up and studied in Huolinhe surface mine, at the same time, the truck-dispatching decision project is given as well.
(68) For the job dispatching algorithm, the inductive learning method is used to discuss the production system status oriented rescheduling method.
(69) Two factors, which affect the performance of the content switching, is dispatching algorithm and routing mechanism.
(70) E language is a data model descriptive language for the power system developed by National Electric Power Dispatching and Communication
(71) The role of the hypervisor includes resource allocation, partition management, processor dispatching, and virtual memory management.
(72) The automatic system power networks dispatching plays an important role in the normal running power networks.
(73) Generally speaking, large quantity, long distance and limited time are attached to bulky cargo dispatching problem.
(74) In this paper, a several of main problems in the design of truck dispatching system, including operation style, signpost setting up, and communication style are analysed and discussed.
(75) As a water conservancy project, it has some exceptive requirements for AGC program, such as water dispatching prior to electrical dispatching(, carrying out AGC under the condition of water supply.
(76) An adaptive load dispatching algorithm based on a mapping table, AIHDA, is proposed.
(77) The variable structure PID control is accomplished at the local using80C196SCM, and the collective monitor and dispatching of the far-end control computer center are achieved.
(78) For the labor, they can avoid limits of the regular work through labor dispatching, display its special ability, or become one kind of important channel of the short time, the temporary employment.
(79) You impudent upstart. I shall take great delight in dispatching you myself.
(80) The production schedule system in cell controller for FMC proposed by authors consists of decision-making plan of front-end processing, dynamic real-time dispatching and the controls.
(81) An assembling FIX software based power network dispatching automation system, FS2000, with its designing idea, major structure, functions and technical characteristics is introduced in the paper.
(82) SVG is a standard text-based graph description language. It is a key issue for the standardization of the dispatching automation system to implement SVG-based graphic system.
(83) Interval optimization in interval analysis is proper to solve nonlinear programming problems with restrictions, which most of the reservoir optimal dispatching models belong to.
(84) Considering the characteristics of our public transport system, this paper presents the frame of bus dispatching system and analyses the supporting technology of intelligent bus dispatching system.
(85) In the conveyer system of AS/RS, the solution of the route dispatching for the flexible and intelligent conveyer equipment -Automated Guided Vehicle(AGV) is provided using the heuristic algorithm.
(86) Digital voice commanding and dispatching system is import communication equipment which is used for ensuring success of the task in blast-off base.
(87) According to the live operation and exist problem of the JD—11.4 type dispatching hoist, this paper raises the technological transform for the brake_handle by the live use and experiment.
(88) It manages drawing process, event dispatching and component layout totally by itself.
(89) This paper designed system of dispatching automated and power flow analysis on power system.
(90) A novel energy-saving generation dispatching system based on the coordination of centralized dispatching and independent automomyautonomy-dispatching of generators is proposed.
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