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Delinquent in a sentence

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Sentence count:85+1Posted:2017-03-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: derelictjuvenile delinquentneglectfuloverdueremissSimilar words: relinquishmentrelinquishrelinquishedsidelineguidelinedelineatedelineationinquiryMeaning: [-nt]  n. a young offender. adj. 1. guilty of a minor misdeed 2. failing in what duty requires 3. persistently bad 4. past due; not paid at the scheduled time. 
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61) The fawn timidly say:An Niang said, tattoo of is all juvenile delinquent.
62) "Our calls are up 280 percent," said Richard Boggs, founder and chief executive of Los Angeles-based Nationwide Tax Relief, a firm that helps delinquent taxpayers resolve tax issues.
63) The police interrogates at the same night, three people acknowledged very quickly the violence robs taxi driver's delinquent account.
64) If the man continues to molest her, I promise to keep no measures with the delinquent.
65) YOUTH(THROUGH TRANSLATOR): As long as the person who is in charge of national security behaves like a juvenile delinquent and carries on using provocative language, the trouble won't stop.
66) In front of the criminal police, 5 suspects have confessed for the past one month, with other two partners, robs the delinquent account which in the urban district are many.
67) Mortgage Banking Association figures show that more than 11 percent of all mortgages were delinquent or in foreclosure during the last three months of 2008.
68) OUTCOME: Judgment affirming the denial of appellant corporation's motion to dismiss an order and notice of assessment of delinquent contributions entered by appellee state was affirmed.
69) It was a deliberate act of stealing. He is nothing less than a juvenile delinquent who commits deleterious acts.
70) The finance department will juggle a few of the delinquent accounts.
71) The thesis will be effective for supply chain management optimition in semiconductor and also good reference to global suppliers to avoid too much dead stock or delinquent shipment to customers.
72) Often the reform requires the "delinquent"country to be more like America or Britain and its idealised democratic society.
73) Parent upbringing manners of those delinquent teenagers are either rejective and negative(, or overindulgent or passive.
74) The detection is the key stage, which discovers and collects evidence, verifies the delinquent account and ferrets out the crimes.
75) However, for a juvenile delinquent, the charge of criminal responsibilities and the application of penalties are strikingly different from those for an adult criminal.
76) They may become demoralised, a few will become depressed and too many of the young may turn delinquent.
77) Like the juvenile delinquent thought of having her boyfriend, everyday is bothering him.
78) After Wang, Zhang happening, can appear before court automatically, declared in a confession truthfully its delinquent account, is surrenders, may legally leniently or the mitigated punishment.
79) Both parties agree that if either party violate this agreement and cause another party to suffer any loss, the delinquent party must compensate all direct loss to the party following this agreement.
80) A former juvenile delinquent who was sent to rehab many times. In later years, he was imprisoned for robbing and causing grievous hurt to others. His wife left him thereafter.
81) It would define standards, police compliance and penalize delinquent firms.
82) Kong diverts the company large amount fund to it the delinquent account to confess fully.
83) A boy might live in a minus neighborhood but not a delinquent.
84) The debtor fell delinquent.
85) The Federal Housing Administration, or FHA,[] is streamlining the process under which two mortgage giants can modify delinquent loans to give borrowers more favorable terms in hopes of avoiding default.
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