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Deciding in a sentence

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Sentence count:228+12Posted:2017-07-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: decidedecideddecide onrecidivismrecidivistdeciduousdecidedlyundecidedMeaning: [dɪ'saɪd]  n. the cognitive process of reaching a decision. adj. having the power or quality of deciding. 
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(121) Last night Ryan said he felt partly to blame for her death after deciding to cool things.
(122) Workers face the signal extraction problem of deciding whether the increase in real wages is transitory or lasting.
(123) With so many companies competing for your attention it can be difficult deciding which is the one for you.
(124) Who gave them the privilege not of working but of deciding how to?
(125) Cigarette smokers pollute the air for other people but take no account of this in deciding how much to smoke.
(126) The Court of Appeal had two reasons for deciding that Rule 1 did not apply.
(127) In deciding appeals before them, SSATs are bound by decisions of the Commissioners.
(128) That includes deciding on rental terms or arranging for others to make repairs.
(129) He also has the responsibility of deciding the appropriate action for changes where rejection would be contentious.
(130) There is no formal procedure, like the pastoral Measure, for declaring unwanted churches redundant and deciding their future.
(131) A judge deciding McLoughlin might think it unjust to require compensation for any emotional injury.
(132) Deciding where to live Of course one of the most crucial decisions to make when retiring alone is where to live.
(133) It was as if by deciding to lose my hair(, I'd stopped the cancer from taking it against my will.
(134) Consequently, when it came to deciding upon holiday locations, there were rarely arguments.
(135) Mahmoud was responsible for collecting the evidence, deciding whether there was a case, and then carrying through prosecution.
(136) Data analysis has become interactive, with the scientist interrogating the data and deciding new paths for investigation based on immediate feedback.
(137) The problem of deciding what is relevant and important is at the centre of your task as a note-maker.
(138) But don't even worry about deciding, because help is at hand for that, too!
(139) For two years she had awaited the turn of events before deciding which side to join, while maintaining a mobilized army.
(140) By defining our problem more clearly we help ourselves in deciding what we are going to do about it.
(141) But the deciding factor was the latter's growing fatigue in the final stages.
(142) To take responsibility is to accept the duty of deciding for oneself what is right.
(142) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(143) What factors may the policeman take into account in deciding whether or not a breach of the peace is likely?
(144) And the policeman wanted to check his facts before deciding to take a chance on a long shot.
(145) Luciano Villoslada remembers that humid spring day that his sister Luz sealed her fate by deciding to become a revolutionary.
(146) When it comes to parenthood, more and more women are deciding to go it alone.
(147) Half an hour went by, and then we gave up, reluctantly deciding to abandon the car.
(148) The jury cleared him, deciding that Mr Waller had acted in self defence.
(149) Deciding the court timetable in order to maintain a high level of attention for the duration of sittings.
(150) The kittens tolerate a certain amount of this before deciding that enough is enough.
More similar words: decidedecideddecide onrecidivismrecidivistdeciduousdecidedlyundecideddecidabilityhidingridingabidingslidingraidingchidingglidingtidingsdecipheringin hidingpresidingcollidingconfidingprovidingdecodinglaw-abidingoverridingupbraidingriding horsebackslidinghiding place
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