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Dana in a sentence

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Sentence count:99Posted:2018-09-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bandanatrend analysisbanana splitbanana boatbanana peelpanama canalbanana treesecond bananaMeaning: n. Celtic goddess who was the mother of the Tuatha De Danann; identified with the Welsh Don. 
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31, It turned out that Dana had simply left his old motor bike on the quayside before embarking on the ship.
32, Dana wouldn't give up the chance to shine in front of all the heads of the fashion world.
33, Dana just skipped over the difficult words in the story.
34, The best results were for the Ford Motor and the Dana corporations which predicted 45 percent of the total variance of returns.
35, And he had seen me walking from my hotel apartment with Dana - Americano, he said disdainfully.
36, Dana had to be shielded from Roman's anger, and she was the only one who could do that.
37, Tackle Dana Stubblefield sacking Aikman twice for a total loss of 17 yards.
38, My infatuation with Dana did, however, bring a certain simplicity to my existence.
39, She could only pray that Dana had come to her senses and had left before they arrived at Garry's hide-out.
40, She glanced at her watch,[] realising she didn't know when Dana and Garry were due back.
41, Unknown to Dana, I began writing a series of free-verse poems about the pictures.
42, A few weeks later he married the Czech javelin champion, Dana Ingrova.
43, Then I strolled around the city for a couple of hours, knowing that Dana would not be awake before noon.
44, For bisexual Dana, it was something to be proud of, and he looked down upon my inferior condition.
45, Now that he is wearing a beard, he looks just like Dana - the square-shaped face, the mouth, the nose.
46, It wasn't her, it was Dana, but a photograph always emphasised their likeness to each other.
47, Dana would be startled to see her, and a scene was the last thing either of them needed.
48, Time was getting short; she must talk to Dana, and this time she was going right to the top.
49, He had deliberately sent Dana away when he must know how important it was she wear the gown designed for her.
50, On the surface Dana was calm and self-assured, but I knew that this wasn't completely the case.
51, Dana secured the boat to the dock with a strong rope.
52, She walked slowly through the quiet streets, wondering if Dana and Roman would be cosily together in her flat.
53, Dana rolled her eyes and mouthed, "I'm bored," from across the room.
54, Dana depreciates the value of his relationships with his friends in his poetry.
55, Dana had been too determined to avoid her, and Claudia's finely tuned senses told her Dana was uneasy.
56, She would just have to find some way of avoiding physical contact until Dana returned from her trip to Hadrian's Wall.
57, Dana had given no hint of where they were going.
58, It was imperative that she should reach Dana before he did.
59, The door opened abruptly, and over Roman's shoulder Claudia saw Dana stop short in confusion.
60, She watched as Dana twirled and twisted before a long mirror, making the dress shimmer with a thousand lights.
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