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Cue in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+7Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cluehintkeyleadsignalSimilar words: rescueMeaning: [kjuː]  n. 1. an actor's line that immediately precedes and serves as a reminder for some action or speech 2. evidence that helps to solve a problem 3. a stimulus that provides information about what to do 4. sports implement consisting of a tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards. v. assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned. 
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121 Eileen Chang's works in the emotional experience of love has its own projection, such as the "Heart Sutra" in the "Electra complex", "Lust, Caution" in love with Hulan Cheng's cue, and so on.
122 Cue in immediate cries of woe from India and Brazil.
123 If you were writing a pool game you could use a PickRaySegment to represent the pool cue and you could pick with BoundingSphere to detecting collisions between the balls.
124 Objective:To understand whether or not biofeedback therapy(BT) and cue-exposure therapy (CET) could decrease craving and heroin-related cue reactivity in abstinent heroin dependents.
125 It remains to be seen whether they'll take a cue from Marilyn Monroe in 'The Seven Year Itch' and stash their undies in the icebox. But they're trying just about everything else.
126 Objective : To analyze the gender difference of cue - elicited heroin craving in abstinent heroin addicts.
127 Take a cue from Kelly Ripa, who added ashy-blond strands to her soft caramel base color. To get the same effect with brown hair, ask your colorist for hazelnut or amber
128 In order to overcome the three problems, the maximal number of MS iterations is limited proportional to the reliability of the color cue computed by democratic strategy.
129 As if on cue, anothemail I got last week had the more intriguing title of "China's Upton Sinclair".
130 Betty's job was to stand backstage and cue the actors.
131 Hopefully she'll take a cue from a previous filmic version starring Juliette Binoche where Binoche played both the role of Catherine as well as her daughter... Catherine.
132 Striking the upper part of the cue ball causes it to travel further after impact with the object ball.
133 The monied-men who buy my cues naturally want the best hitting and longest lasting cue their money can buy.
134 A veiled actress awaits her cue in a classical Greek tragedy.
135 I discharged one night cue to just buy the ticket of a piece of steerage.
136 Backspin - the effect of striking the cue ball below centre.
137 "It's almost eight o'clock." As if on cue the bell in the chapel began to toll for Matins.
138 Take your time aiming and when you think that you can hit the cue ball dead centre [], take your shot.
139 Yet he did not always take his cue from Thalia, the muse of comedy.
140 Nonlinear discrimination and cue interaction are two important characteristics of human associative learning.
141 He did say that his tournament winnings from immediately improved playing has almost paid for his cue in only 3 short months.
142 This is your cue image, the one that we'll swish soon.
143 Cue: raucous celebrations from the understandably delighted home crowd, followed by more incendiary rabble-rousing from Bingham.
144 What the captain had developed was essentially the cue in use today, but the game he generated interest in did not involve shooting balls into pockets.
145 Maps, charts, graphs and pictures are clues that will help the reader to cue in on the content and organization of the material.
146 Their youngest brother was nine when he picked up a cue for the first time.
147 The males could not cue in on the females and mating success was extremely low.
148 The cue of answer: calm and silent, clearly, strong standpoint, positive pertinacity, kind heart and care about other people, strong adaption and sense of humor, optimism and fraternity.
149 If I could handel a cue stick like Billy Morales, I'd become a pool hustler .
150 I'll see the cue in my HUD when It'starts sliding.
More similar words: rescue
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