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Countermeasure in a sentence

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Sentence count:156Posted:2017-09-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: countermandmeasuremeasuredmeasurermeasure upmeasure outcounterculturetape measureMeaning: n. an action taken to offset another action. 
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91. The fifth part, contrapose the main problems existing in the utilization of urban land resources in Changsha, put forward the countermeasure and suggestion.
92. The article analysed prefectural region point the problem that politics silver collaboration exists, offered countermeasure proposal.
93. Objective : To discuss the nursing countermeasure for receiving high quality Positron Emission Tomography ( PET ) image.
94. The article introduces merit of acceptance of the bid at the reasonable low price of bidding, analyzes the question and countermeasure.
95. This text has explained the reason accounting information is distorted, and has put forward corresponding suggestion and countermeasure distortedly in preventing accounting information.
96. The causes of outpatient drug repercussion were analyzed, and the countermeasure to decrease the events.
97. Objective To analyses the infectious factors of syphilis sufferers and to find out a valid countermeasure, the rent service personnel of the last two years were investigated.
98. This article, in analyzes the overseas project characteristic in the foundation, proposed the corresponding countermeasure.
99. Objective To discuss the characteristics and management countermeasure of nursing work in the department of geratology in the new period.
100. Then, based on the fore-mentioned studies and analysis, the author puts forward a countermeasure to further perfect the Entrusted Construction System for projects invested by governments.
101. The paper described the causes of the evaporation loss of oil product and countermeasure against the evaporation loss of oil product is proposed.
102. Based on principle of turbine gas meter, the existing problems in application to manufactured gas district meterage are discussed(, and the resolving countermeasure is proposed.
103. Sorting algorithm based on PRI is one of the key technologies to sort and recognize the intercept signal from the current radar countermeasure systems.
104. Part four has put forward the countermeasure of setting up and amplifying our peasants endowment system!
105. Distance deception jamming is the most important way for radar countermeasure, and delay line is one of its critical technologies.
106. Objective To study the clinical manifestation and therapeutic countermeasure of the cases of epidemic parotiditis with complications.
107. According to existing problem of ship operation safety and researching results, the paper put forward countermeasure about safety management of ship operation on the view of shipping enterprise.
108. The corrosion reason and countermeasure of concentrated acid pump in Tanggang smelter is discussed.
109. The paper analyses the failure reason of the EAF electrode arm clamper and proposes the countermeasure.
109. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
110. This paper briefly expounds a new technique for electronic countermeasure (ECM) channel sound optical microwave signal processing. It differs from the current ECM technique at present.
111. It must be strengthened to prevent the spreading and damage of the red imported fire ant by various control countermeasure of quarantine, monitor and so on.
112. Microwave power thin film resistors were widely used as an important component of RF and microwave system in radar, communications, electron countermeasure et al.
113. Aiming at the subsistent problems, the paper put forward some countermeasure and advices.
114. Conclusion The Countermeasure in effect of Emergency Manage is the work pattern under the government leading, departments cooperating, whole community participating in.
115. The passive countermeasure proposed here can replace the heavy decoy with the energetic mini corner reflector and widen the option for reentry ballistic missile passive countermeasure penetration.
116. Propose the countermeasure suggestion to enhance agricultural product comparison superiority in Chifeng.
117. Recognition of radar emitter signals is an important symbol to measure the technical level of radar countermeasure in modern electronic countermeasure, besides, it is an urgent problem to solve.
118. It is suggested what the countermeasure of improving China textile environment competence for increasing overseas technology vallation.
119. Status Investigated and Countermeasure about "Burst" and "Handclasp" of Four Desert in Alashan League.
120. Finally, in view of the realistic question in feasible domain of economic cooperation, the article put forward the countermeasure proposal.
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